
Biden Ancestor’s Wild Past: Lincoln Pardons After Brawl!

Recent revelations about President Joe Biden’s family history have stirred controversy, shedding light on his great-great-grandfather, Moses J. Robinette. Contrary to the sanitized portrayal often promoted by some media outlets, Robinette’s past is far from pristine. Newly uncovered documents from the National Archives paint a startling picture of his involvement in a tumultuous incident during the Civil War era.

On March 21, 1864, Robinette, serving as a veterinary surgeon for the Union, found himself embroiled in a chaotic and violent altercation. Accused of intoxication, sparking a disruptive quarrel, and disturbing military discipline, he faced even graver charges of attempting to take another man’s life. The circumstances read like a script from a Wild West drama, yet they constitute a genuine chapter of presidential ancestry.

The altercation reportedly erupted when Robinette clashed with fellow civilian employee John J. Alexander over circulating rumors. What began as a verbal confrontation escalated into physical violence, culminating in Robinette wielding a pocket knife and inflicting injury upon Alexander. The severity of the situation, including the charge of attempted murder, paints a stark contrast to the conventional image of a presidential forebearer.

While Robinette contended that his actions were in self-defense, his involvement in such a volatile incident raises questions about his character and judgment. Despite being handed a two-year sentence of hard labor at a military prison in Florida, Robinette's punishment was short-lived thanks to an unexpected pardon from President Abraham Lincoln after just one month. The circumstances surrounding this leniency, facilitated by certain military officers and a senator from West Virginia, underscore the influence of personal connections in matters of justice.

In light of these revelations, it's evident that President Biden's familial lineage is not devoid of controversy. The pardoning of Robinette by one of America's most esteemed presidents offers a glimpse into a lesser-known aspect of historical narrative, one that challenges conventional perceptions and underscores the complexity of familial legacies. As custodians of truth, it is our duty to unveil such historical truths, even when they diverge from mainstream narratives.

Written by Staff Reports

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