While the mainstream media might tell you Joe Biden is a popular and well-liked president, recent fundraising events tell a very different story. Big-money donors just aren’t showing up for the embattled president. Even left-wing media outlets like Politico are expressing concern, as early fundraising events have failed to deliver as hoped.
Think Biden's Approval Ratings Suck? Embattled President's Fundraising Events Are Total Disasters https://t.co/rfaV271skm
— RedState (@RedState) June 22, 2023
With so many issues plaguing Biden’s presidency, who could blame these donors for keeping their wallets shut? From slow economic recovery to inflation to soaring illegal immigration rates, the country is clearly in a state of disarray under Biden’s leadership. But despite all of this, Biden continues to pass the buck and deflect responsibility for his failures.
Polls show that even among Democrats, half don’t want him to run again in 2024, and 73% of respondents overall oppose him. While 80% of Democrats would still support him, only 40% would definitely vote for him, if given the chance. With rising concerns about other candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., it’s clear that the Democratic nomination is far from a sure bet for Biden.
Whether or not big-money donors will throw their support behind him remains to be seen, but it’s clear that Biden has a long way to go to win over Americans.