
Bill Maher Criticizes Kamala Harris for Flip-Flopping on Fracking Amid Rising Gas Prices

Bill Maher has officially become the reluctant voice of reason — well, as reasonable as a guy who spends his weekends reading the writings of Karl Marx can get. During a recent episode of HBO’s “Real Time,” he voiced concerns about Kamala Harris, the current Vice President and a 2024 Democratic presidential candidate, claiming she was “super far-left” during her last presidential run. He remarked that while she didn’t face tough scrutiny in this week’s debate regarding her flip-flopping on fracking, nobody seems to care. Well, if that’s the best defense the Democrats can conjure up, they might as well stop pretending to be a major political party.

Former Senator Al Franken, again trying to redeem himself after a not-so-great exit from the Senate, suggested that Harris had a brilliant performance in the debate. Remarkably, he noted how her sudden enthusiasm for fracking was striking, but chalked it up to her being a “politician” who just wants to win the election. This is a classic case of setting the bar so low that she’s clearing it with ease. In the high-stakes game of politics, this may pass for brilliance, but the average American isn’t likely to be swayed by a politician’s ability to sound good while performing acrobatics on the issues.

Maher surprisingly echoed the sentiment that Harris remains a politician, asserting that her current positions don’t make her conservative. It might be amusing to watch Maher play political commentator when he can’t even commit to a consistent ideology. He believes Harris has shifted from “super far-left” to merely “center-left,” which is like saying that moving from the edge of a cliff to the top of a short hill is a monumental achievement. If this is the new normal for the Democrats, they may have to start lowering their standards even further.

Enter Kristen Soltis Anderson, a pollster and commentator, who presented a somewhat balanced perspective. She pointed out that Harris’ recent pivot on fracking coincided with skyrocketing gas prices. Apparently, she thinks the average voter is gullible enough to believe Harris has had an epiphany, realizing that more domestic energy production might be a good idea. But Anderson also acknowledged the glaring issue: Harris has changed her position so frequently it raises eyebrows. The fact that she neglected to be questioned vigorously on her inconsistencies shows how the mainstream media is more focused on self-preservation than journalistic integrity.

In a hilarious twist, Maher wrapped up this delightful exchange with the sweeping conclusion that “nobody cares” about Harris’s conversion story. After all, it’s easy to brush off concerns when your own party’s ethics are in question. Franken and Maher agreed that former President Donald Trump should have pressed Harris harder during the debate, but given Trump’s history with tough questions, it’s questionable whether he would’ve succeeded either. The entire episode feels like a masterclass in how not to take accountability in politics, while the rest of America wonders if they’re stuck in an episode of “The Twilight Zone.”

Written by Staff Reports

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