
1 Year On: Triumph Over Roe v. Wade Still Stings Leftists

It has now been one year since the Supreme Court made the admirable decision to overturn the infamous Roe v. Wade case. As expected, leftists are quite disappointed by this ruling, with Kamala Harris claiming that it would “create a healthcare crisis” in America. It’s ironic how Harris is more concerned with her own political agenda than the actual lives of innocent children. The Associated Press reported that Harris tweeted a video where she criticized the government for telling women what to do with their own bodies, which is ridiculous as the ruling was about saving the lives of unborn babies that don’t have a voice of their own.

On the other hand, conservatives took the opportunity to celebrate this righteous decision, with former President Donald Trump proudly announcing that he was “the most pro-life president in American history”. He also acknowledged the three conservative supreme court justices that he appointed, who ultimately played a vital role in overturning Roe v. Wade. Trump’s speech at the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference in Washington was a reminder of just how powerful the conservative movement has become and how we are, in fact, able to make changes that reflect our values.

Unlike the leftist ideology that Kamala Harris and others espouse, pro-lifers continue to advocate for both the mother and her unborn child. The Students for Life group shared a video from the day Roe was overturned in which its members chanted, “Love them both”. As the group’s president, Kristan Hawkins, correctly asserted, the Constitution does not protect the so-called right to abortion.

The decision taken by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade was one of the most important rulings of our time. It has been a year since that day, and conservatives still celebrate it with the same zeal as before. While the left continues to promote its selfish agenda, pro-lifers will continue to advocate for both the mother and the child and will push to ensure that as many lives as possible are saved and protected.

Source: Conservative Institute

Written by Staff Reports

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