
12.6K Migrants in 24 Hours: Biden’s Border Blowout Makes History!

In a recent report from Fox News, the border crisis in America is reaching new heights as a record-breaking 12,600 migrants were encountered by Customs and Border Protection officers in just 24 hours. The images of thousands of migrants huddled together in neat lines after illegally crossing into Eagle Pass, Texas are truly astonishing. It’s like a massive, uninvited block party at the border, and these folks are not even wearing their best party hats!

The situation has become so dire that even road and rail crossings have been shut down to prioritize the processing of arriving migrants. It’s like the border is throwing up a “Sorry, We’re Full!” sign to anyone trying to enter through the normal channels. The Biden administration’s plan to have migrants wait in another country for processing seems about as effective as using a Band-Aid to fix a broken dam.

Despite President Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas preaching about applying for asylum through legal pathways, the reality is that a whopping 78% of those encountered at the border in October arrived illegally. It’s like telling someone not to eat the last slice of pizza, but then looking the other way when they go ahead and do it anyway.

And it’s not just our neighbors from South America trying to crash the party. Migrants from as far away as China, India, Russia, and Africa have also been showing up uninvited. It’s like a global potluck, except nobody brought a dish to pass.

As the number of migrants keeps skyrocketing, the immigration court system is drowning in a backlog of over three million pending cases. That’s enough cases to make a grown judge cry into their gavel. The backlog is so severe that migrants are being given initial court dates years in advance, and are even allowed to work legally in the country after six months. It’s like telling someone they have to wait in line at the DMV, but then inviting them to play mini-golf while they wait.

Both Republican and Democratic politicians have expressed their frustration with the lack of action to address the crisis. It’s like a rare moment of bipartisan unity, as everyone agrees the situation is a hot mess.

In response, governors like Arizona’s Katie Hobbs and Texas’s Greg Abbott are taking matters into their own hands, deploying National Guard troops and giving police officers the power to arrest those entering the country illegally. It’s like a wild west showdown at the border, except instead of dueling with six-shooters, they’re dueling with paperwork and legal jargon.

Meanwhile, New York City Mayor Eric Adams is pleading with the federal government for aid, as the city has been overwhelmed by the migrant surge. It’s like trying to bail out a sinking ship with a teaspoon while waiting for the Coast Guard to finally show up.

In conclusion, the border crisis is like a chaotic and never-ending game of musical chairs, except there are never enough chairs and everyone keeps crashing to the ground. Let’s hope someone can hit the pause button and figure out a solution before this becomes the world’s worst block party.

Written by Staff Reports

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