
4-Year-Old Escapes Hamas, But Where’s Biden’s Outrage?

In a stunning turn of events, the brave and resilient Abigail Idan, a four-year-old girl who tragically witnessed the savage murder of her parents by Hamas terrorists, has finally been set free from their deadly clutches. This miraculous release comes amidst a third round of hostages being released from Hamas custody in accordance with the four-day ceasefire agreement. It is a glimmer of hope in an otherwise grim and chaotic situation.

While other nations prioritize their citizens’ safety and security, it is disheartening to note that Abigail Idan is the only American who has been granted freedom in the past three days under this agreement. Where is the outrage from the Biden administration? Where is their commitment to protecting American lives, especially those caught in the crossfire of terrorism? Sadly, we find ourselves questioning their priorities once again.

Even as these innocent hostages make their way out of the Gaza Strip, they are subjected to the despicable harassment by Palestinian civilians. These vile actions not only showcase the deeply ingrained hostility towards those seeking peace, but also highlight the desperate need for true reform in Palestinian society. It is clear that the relentless indoctrination of hate perpetuated by Hamas has poisoned the minds of its people, leaving a trail of violence and destruction in its wake.

As we approach the final day of the agreed ceasefire, one can’t help but feel a sense of apprehension. Will Hamas honor their commitment and release the additional hostages demanded by Israel? Or will they once again reveal their true colors and prioritize the continuation of terror and bloodshed over the lives of their own people? These are valid questions that demand answers, and the world is watching.

It is high time for the international community to hold Hamas accountable for their actions. Their persistent refusal to renounce violence and embrace peace is a grave threat to stability in the region. The United States, under President Biden’s leadership, must demonstrate unwavering support for Israel and demand justice for all hostages held by Hamas. Failure to do so will only embolden the forces of terror and undermine any chances of achieving lasting peace.

Let us stand united in support of Abigail Idan and all those who have suffered at the hands of Hamas. Their stories are a painful reminder of the evil that exists in this world, but also a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit. May their freedom serve as a beacon of hope, reminding us of the urgent need to eradicate terrorism and foster a world where peace and liberty prevail.

Written by Staff Reports

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