
48% Suspect Biden’s Illegal Involvement in Hunter’s Scandal!

The mainstream media, Democrats, and the White House can stick their heads in the sand all they want, but the truth is coming out about President Joe Biden and his son’s shady foreign business dealings. A recent poll conducted by the New York Post revealed that a whopping 48% of Americans believe President Biden did something illegal when it comes to his son, Hunter Biden.

It’s no wonder the White House is in a panic. With the 2024 election right around the corner, these terrible numbers could spell disaster for Biden and his chances of securing another term in the White House. Even his own voting base is starting to doubt him.

The developing drama surrounding Hunter Biden’s scandal has only made matters worse for President Biden. House Republicans are digging deep into the details, determined to uncover the truth. And it seems like the American people are starting to catch on.

According to the poll, 41% of Americans believe Biden was “involved” in his son’s business, while only 31% think he had no part in it. Even more damning, 43% think Biden “made money off” Hunter’s deals. These numbers are not looking good for the President.

But it doesn’t end there. When asked if they believed Biden and his family are corrupt, a staggering 47% of respondents said “yes.” Only 33% said no, and the remaining 19% couldn’t make up their minds. It seems like the American people are waking up to the truth about the Bidens.

And let’s not forget about Hunter Biden’s own troubles. A whopping 67% of Americans believe he did something illegal, including a majority of Republicans, independents, and even Democrats. The fact that 62% of Americans approve of Hunter being indicted on gun charges speaks volumes. It’s clear that the American people want justice to be served.

With all of these scandals and low polling numbers, it’s no wonder that House Republicans have announced a formal impeachment inquiry against President Biden. While 42% of Americans oppose impeachment, a significant 37% are in favor. Depending on the results of the inquiry, those numbers could shift even more.

Ultimately, it remains to be seen how these scandals, impeachment, and low polling numbers will impact President Biden’s chances in 2024, if he even makes it that far without being pushed out. One thing is for sure, though – the American people are starting to see through the smoke and mirrors. It’s time for the President to be held accountable.

Written by Staff Reports

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