
61% Voters Suspect Biden in Hunter’s Scandal: Swamp Exposed!

In a recent CNN poll, it was revealed that a whopping 61 percent of voters believe that Joe Biden had some involvement in his son Hunter’s shady business dealings. And hold onto your MAGA hats, folks, because out of that 61 percent, 42 percent think he acted illegally! Talk about a real political scandal brewing under Sleepy Joe’s nose. But wait, it gets even better (or worse, depending on which side of the aisle you’re on). Another 18 percent think his actions were just plain unethical. Yikes! Looks like old Joe has got some explaining to do.

Now, you might be thinking, “But weren’t we told that this whole Hunter Biden business was just a bunch of smoke and mirrors? That Republicans were on a witch hunt?” Well, guess what? The latest WaPo/ABC poll shows that the majority of Americans actually view the impeachment inquiry as reasonable and accountability-minded. That’s right, folks. The White House’s attempt at damage control is failing miserably. Maybe they should try a new tactic because these poll numbers are not looking good for Grandpa Joe.

But the plot thickens, my conservative comrades. It turns out that there’s not just one, not two, but FOUR IRS officials who are confirming the key elements of whistleblower Gary Shapley’s testimony about Hunter Biden. The latest IRS official to spill the beans is Darrell Waldon, the former special agent in charge of the agency’s Washington field office. He told the House Ways and Means Committee that special counsel David Weiss faced roadblocks in bringing charges against Hunter Biden outside of Delaware. And get this, folks, when Weiss went to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, they didn’t want to touch the case. Looks like the corruption runs deep, my friends.

But of course, the liberal media and the White House will try to brush this all under the rug. They’ll say that Waldon’s testimony disputes Shapley’s claims, but that’s just weak sauce, folks. We know the truth and we’re not buying their lies. It’s time for the American people to hold Joe Biden accountable for his actions. We can’t let him get away with this corruption and nepotism.

Written by Staff Reports

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