
62% Say Biden Too Old, Gen Z Rejects Both Parties

In a shocking revelation, a recent poll conducted by Siena College has confirmed what many Americans have suspected all along – President Joe Biden is too old to effectively serve another term. A whopping 62 percent of voters believe that Uncle Joe is unfit to continue his presidential tenure. And guess what? The same number of respondents, 60 percent, felt the same about the legendary Donald Trump.

It seems that even the most forgiving Republicans can’t ignore the incoherence and forgetfulness displayed by Biden. While 74 percent of Republicans still support the ever-charismatic Trump, only a measly 6 percent of them believe Biden has the capability to lead. This just goes to show how deep the delusion can run on the left. But hey, at least some independence is shining through, with 45 percent of them recognizing that both Biden and Trump are not fit to serve.

Not only is Biden lacking the support of conservatives, but he’s also losing ground with younger voters. A staggering 45 percent of them believe that both Biden and Trump are unfit for another four-year term. It appears that Gen Z has grown tired of the ramblings and backward policies of both parties. Perhaps we should count on them to lead us to a brighter, more sensible future.

The poll also revealed that the quality of life in New York is dropping faster than a poorly made soufflé. A resounding 57 percent of registered voters in the state agree that things are going downhill (not ski slope-style downhill, but more like careening-off-a-cliff downhill). Even Democrats, who are known for their ability to turn a blind eye to the obvious, can’t escape reality. A plurality of them, along with Republicans and independents, acknowledge that New York is on a downward trajectory.

And it’s not just the quality of life that’s concerning. New Yorkers are grappling with a myriad of issues that make living in the state a never-ending battle. Whether it’s the exorbitant cost of living, the lack of affordable housing, the skyrocketing crime rates, or the ongoing illegal immigration crisis, it’s clear that the current state of affairs is deeply troubling to the majority of residents.

Interestingly, the concerns of Republicans, Democrats, and independents differ slightly. Republicans prioritize addressing the illegal immigration crisis above all else, proving that they still have a backbone when it comes to defending our borders. Democrats, on the other hand, rank the availability of affordable housing as their top concern, reinforcing their reputation for advocating for handouts instead of personal responsibility. And independents, bless their hearts, are most alarmed by the unbearable cost of living.

Overall, the Siena College poll serves as a wake-up call to both parties. Americans are fed up with ineffective leadership and a decline in their quality of life. It’s time for politicians to stop pandering and start addressing the issues that truly matter to the people. Will they listen? Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure – the American people are watching, and they won’t be fooled by empty promises and political posturing.

Written by Staff Reports

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