
A Government-Caused Credit Card Debt Crisis and What Can Be Done About It

The United States of America is currently quite concerned about inflation because it is not showing any signs of slowing down. However, we recently became aware of yet another method in which rising costs are detrimental to families, and that is by driving them into enormous sums of credit card debt.

As the cost of living increases, more and more people are turning to credit cards to make ends meet, according to CBS News. Sixty percent of those who have credit cards have carried a balance on at least one of those cards for at least a year, which is a ten percent increase from 2021.

59% of Americans with annual incomes of less than $50,000 are said to have a credit card load from month to month. People whose annual income falls between $50,000 and $80,000 have a proportion that is slightly lower at 49%, and those whose annual income falls between $80,000 and $100,000 have a percentage that is even lower at 46%.

This is a significant challenge for a great number of different households.

According to Ted Rossman, an analyst at, who was interviewed by CBS, it is considerably more difficult to get out of debt when it was spending on needs that got you into that position in the first place.  There is not a simple way to get around these costs."

According to the data provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the total amount of credit card debt carried by American consumers has reached $887 billion. That is a 13% increase from the year 2021!

The debt incurred by credit cards is not something to be taken lightly. Because of the manner that it is organized, it has the potential to become exorbitantly expensive very rapidly and, in the end, to cost significantly more than the initial purchases.

According to, accumulating credit card debt happens when you don't pay off your balance in full by the conclusion of each payment cycle.

In the event that the outstanding balance is carried over to the subsequent billing month, interest in the form of the annual percentage rate will be incurred (APR). The annual percentage rate (APR) is the cumulative total of the interest that is charged for things like purchases, cash advances, and balance transfers. This indicates that interest accrues on top of interest, and the longer it takes to pay off a debt, the more money the debtor will owe in total.

The website provides a single case study as an illustration to demonstrate how rapidly one's credit card debt can snowball out of hand. If you borrow $10,000 on a credit card with a 25% interest rate and only make the minimum payments, you would ultimately owe more than $30,000 and it will take you almost 30 years to pay it back.

Numerous American households are currently finding themselves in the position of having to deal with the consequences of inflation, which is eroding their wages and driving up their outgoing financial commitments. In addition, it is essential to keep in mind that this is not an impersonal or general economic phenomenon. During the epidemic, the federal government's careless handling of the economy's finances and monetary policy contributed to inflation.

It created untold amounts of brand new dollars out of thin air and racked up multi-trillion dollar deficits by spending wastefully on so-called "stimulus." In a market where more money is pursuing the same amount of products, or even a lesser amount of goods, prices are bound to rise.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Headline Wealth.

Written by Staff Reports

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