
A Lesson Some Folks Seem to Forget

Maybe I wasn't raised right, but what I was taught is crystal clear: if you want something, you have to work hard for it. These days, it feels like that lesson is getting lost in the noise of entitlement and handouts. The value of a strong work ethic seems to be fading, replaced by a culture that celebrates shortcuts and mediocrity.

Growing up, my parents drilled into me the importance of earning your keep. They worked hard, and they expected the same from me. No participation trophies or special treatment—just good old-fashioned elbow grease.

Yet, look around today. We see a generation that expects everything handed to them on a silver platter. They demand free college, universal basic income, and canceling student debt, without so much as lifting a finger. It’s as if the idea of working your way up the ladder is some outdated relic.

The truth is, nothing worth having comes easy. Success isn't a birthright—it's something you fight for, something you earn. It's time to get back to basics and remember that hard work, dedication, and perseverance are the real keys to achieving our goals.

Even in the workplace, this entitlement mentality is creeping in. Employers are bending over backward to accommodate employees who seem more interested in their next vacation than in doing a good job. Meanwhile, those who actually put in the effort and go the extra mile are often overlooked or expected to pick up the slack. It's a sad state of affairs when mediocrity is not just tolerated but rewarded.

Written by Staff Reports

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