
Abbott Rallies Behind Trump: “Only Man for the Job!”

In a big ol’ Texas-sized announcement, Governor Greg Abbott pledged his undying support for the one and only Donald J. Trump! Yee-haw! The Lone Star State governor took to the stage at a border event to make it official, and let me tell ya, the crowd went absolutely wild! It was a sight to see, folks.

Governor Abbott didn’t mince his words, no sir! He boldly declared that President Trump is the only man for the job when it comes to keeping America safe and sound. He slammed ol’ Sleepy Joe Biden, saying his administration has let criminals run amok and created chaos at the border. And let’s be honest, friends, he ain’t wrong. With over 6.5 million illegal aliens crashing in through the southern border, it’s clear that Uncle Joe ain’t got a clue what he’s doing!

But fear not, because Governor Abbott has been holding down the fort! He’s sent in the Texas National Guard and ordered law enforcement to build barriers to stop the flow of folks sneaking in. He’s been fighting tooth and nail against the Biden Administration’s weak border policies, and he ain’t backing down!

And then, in a move that’s got the liberals shakin’ in their boots, President Trump returned the favor by promising to secure that border once and for all if he gets back in the White House. You can practically hear the cries of despair from those lefty elites in Washington!

Not only that, but President Trump and Governor Abbott got together to hand out some good ol’ Thanksgiving meals to the border personnel. It was a beautiful display of support for the hardworking men and women keeping our country safe. And let me tell ya, the National Border Patrol Council was singin’ President Trump’s praises, saying he truly cares about this country and everyone in law enforcement and the military. Ain’t that just heartwarming, folks?

And let’s not forget, Governor Abbott ain’t the only one throwin’ his hat in the ring for President Trump. Just a few weeks back, Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders hopped on the Trump train too! She’s had enough of the crazy leftists and wants to bring back the good ol’ days of the Trump era. Can I get a “amen” for that, y’all?

So there you have it, folks! With endorsements rollin’ in left and right, President Trump’s got the support of some of the toughest, most straight-shootin’ governors in the country. It’s clear as day that the conservative base is fired up and ready to ride that Trump train all the way to the White House! Keep your hats on tight, ’cause it’s gonna be a wild ride!

Written by Staff Reports

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