
Actress Slams Human Trafficking at CPAC: Freedom Never Sounded So Loud

Mira Sorvino, the talented actress known for her role in the powerful film “Sound of Freedom,” spoke at the CPAC summit in Washington, D.C. about the urgent need to combat human trafficking. Sorvino, who plays a supportive wife in the film based on a true story, is also a passionate advocate for child protection. She quoted President Abraham Lincoln, saying, “If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.” She emphasized the importance of unity and empathy in addressing this global issue, calling on everyone to put aside political affiliations and work together to save victims of modern slavery.

Despite attempts by the Left to discredit “Sound of Freedom” as a far-right conspiracy, the film continues to resonate with audiences and make a strong impact at the box office. The story revolves around Tim Ballard, a former federal agent who has dedicated his life to rescuing children from sex traffickers. Through his nonprofit organization, Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.), Ballard fights against the $150 billion criminal enterprise of child trafficking.

Sorvino highlighted the most vulnerable victims of human trafficking, including abused children, women and girls, the homeless, and those with mental disabilities. She urged all of us to rise up and take action, to access the better angels of our nature and fight for the rights and dignity of these victims. The summit also featured other notable speakers, such as human rights activist Rosi Orozco, Senator Marsha Blackburn, and former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Christopher Landau.

In her introductory speech, Orozco praised “Sound of Freedom” as a powerful movement, but emphasized that the reality of human trafficking is even worse than depicted in the film. Blackburn shared alarming statistics, including the fact that a child is bought or sold for sex trafficking every two minutes in the United States. Representative Scott Perry added that this scourge against children is truly diabolical, and must be fought against by forces around the world.

It is refreshing to see celebrities like Mira Sorvino using their platform to shed light on important issues like human trafficking. Their voices and advocacy help raise awareness and inspire action. The fight against modern slavery requires a united effort, transcending political boundaries, and it is heartening to see individuals from both sides of the aisle coming together to combat this horrific crime.

Written by Staff Reports

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