
AI Hoax Unleashes Fake Dragons Across North America!

Are the dragons of North America rising from the ashes? Not so fast! It turns out those magnificent creatures are nothing more than a figment of some AI’s imagination! Yep, you heard it right, folks!

So, there’s this video making the rounds on X that claims to showcase images of extinct dragons roaming North America. Sounds cool, right? But hold your horses before you start sharpening your swords and donning your armor because it’s all a big, fat lie! Sorry, dragon lovers, the truth is about as real as a unicorn trotting through Central Park.

Turns out, the mastermind behind these mythical creatures is none other than artificial intelligence, the brainchild of a creator who spilled the beans in an email to Check Your Fact. Artificial intelligence – more like artificial silliness, am I right? You can’t fool us with your fancy technology, we see right through your dragon facade!

And just when you thought things couldn’t get any wackier, a woman stumbles upon a mammoth fossil on a beach in the U.K. A mammoth on a beach? Seriously? What’s next, a T-Rex sunbathing in Hawaii? Let’s stick to facts here, people!

Now, back to those dragon hoaxes. The video features sepia-toned images of men posing with dragon-like skulls. But don’t be fooled by the smoke and mirrors, it’s all smoke and no fire! The real fire here is the burning desire for attention, and these so-called dragons are just a puff of hot air.

Written by Staff Reports

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