
AI Overlords Plot UBI Chains: Will Robots Steal Your Job Next?

In a world where tech titans like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google are frantically building colossal data centers in anticipation of the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution, the conservative expose “Controligarchs” warns Americans of the impending socialist nightmare. These mega-corporations are not just looking to mine your data; they are poised to unleash “generative” AI tools that could spell the end of the free market as we know it.

Enter CEO Sam Altman, the former head honcho at OpenAI, unceremoniously ousted for lacking what the board deemed critical “candor.” However, before the dust could settle, Microsoft snatched him up faster than a kid in a candy store. With Altman at the helm, Microsoft is ready to take the AI world by storm. And if anyone knows where AI is heading, it’s Altman – a man who turned OpenAI into an almost $90 billion colossus, earning accolades from the like of Google’s former CEO Eric Schmidt.

But hold onto your hats, folks, because according to Altman, jobs are headed the way of the dodo bird courtesy of AI. Estimates suggest a whopping 40 to 80 percent of jobs could be on the chopping block within the next 15 years! Sounds alarming, right? Not so fast, says SingularityNET’s Ben Goertzel, who believes mass unemployment is actually a blessing in disguise. He reckons people can find better things to do than, you know, work for a living. Not exactly reassuring, is it?

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any more Orwellian, OpenAI has been bankrolling studies on universal basic income (UBI), with the results slated to roll out in 2024. But wait, there’s more – Altman also launched a UBI-related crypto project called “Worldcoin,” complete with a plan to scan your iris to create a “digital passport.” More than two million people have eagerly signed up for this Orwellian orb-scanning project, with plans to expand to 35 cities in 20 countries. Can you say, “Big Brother is watching”?

But fear not, fellow patriots, because the Controligarchs have uncovered the globalist plot to shackle humanity with mandatory digital IDs and UBI. And who’s leading the charge on the UBI front? None other than Microsoft’s own Bill Gates, who once scoffed at the notion of showering Americans with welfare checks. But now, with Altman in his corner, could Gates be singing a different tune?

If you’re thinking, “Well, at least we’ll be rolling in the dough with UBI,” think again. Altman’s predicting a measly $13,500 annually for each adult in America. That’s not even chump change – it’s chump pennies!

So, as the AI apocalypse looms, brace yourselves for a future where personal freedom takes a backseat to the omniscient tech oligarchs and their grand UBI scheme. It’s a world where your job might be replaced by a robot, and selling your DNA could become the norm. But hey, at least you’ll have that $13,500 to look forward to, right?


Written by Staff Reports

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