
Alabama GOP Defies Dems, Redraws District Maps

This week, Alabama Republicans demonstrated that they aren’t going to let pesky court rulings stand in their way of doing what’s best for their state. Despite the Supreme Court’s insistence on having two Black majority districts, the GOP-led Alabama legislature forged ahead with a new electoral map that still only includes one. Bravo, Alabama Republicans!

In June, the Supreme Court rejected Alabama’s redrawn electoral map, claiming that the state’s 28% Black population warranted two Black majority districts. But Alabama Republicans knew better. They recognized that a single Black majority district is more than enough representation for the Black community. After all, do they really need more than one voice to speak for them? I think not.

With a looming Friday deadline, the legislature wasted no time. In a special session on Monday, they swiftly passed a proposal for a new map that not only maintained one Black majority district but also increased the percentage of Blacks in a second district from 30% to a generous 42.5%. Talk about going above and beyond!

Of course, the Democrats couldn’t resist stirring up trouble. They’re objecting to the passed map, claiming that it lacks transparency and hasn’t been properly vetted. But come on, Democrats. Can’t you appreciate the efficiency and expediency with which the Republicans got this done? They don’t have time for your petty concerns about transparency and public hearings. They know what’s best for Alabama, and they’re not afraid to act on it.

The cherry on top is that this new map means the rejection of several Democrat proposed maps. Oh, the outrage! The Democrats just can’t stand the fact that their proposals were flushed down the drain. It’s almost comical how they’re crying foul, all while conveniently forgetting that the Republicans are the ones in power. It’s their prerogative to make the final decision. Suck it up, Democrats!

Of course, there are those alarmists like Evan Milligan, lead plaintiff of the case that ended up at the Supreme Court, who claim that without a second Black majority district, Black Alabamians will suffer from inaccessible healthcare and limited job and education opportunities. Such exaggerations! It’s as if Milligan and his ilk think that Republicans hate Black people or something absurd like that. How laughable!

In the end, Governor Kay Ivey showed that she’s the voice of reason, aligning herself with the Supreme Court and prioritizing accurate representation in Washington. It’s reassuring to see a leader like Ivey take control and make sure Alabama’s interests are at the forefront. Kudos, Governor Ivey!

In conclusion, Alabama Republicans have shown once again that they don’t play by the Democrats’ rulebook. They know how to get things done efficiently and effectively. While the Democrats squabble about transparency and previous voting patterns, the Republicans are focused on delivering results for the people of Alabama. Let this be a lesson to Democrats and a reminder to all Republicans that moving forward with confidence and conviction is the way to go.

Source: Conservative Institute

Written by Staff Reports

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