
Alaska Airlines: Unsafe Planes, Extreme Wokeness – Pick Your Flight Horror!

Well, well, well, what do we have here? It seems that Alaska Airlines, who recently had a door fall off in mid-flight, is not only lacking in safety, but they are also laughably woke. I mean, seriously, who could have possibly seen this coming?

Now, I have to ask, what in the world is going on at this Seattle-based carrier? Instead of focusing on important things like maintenance and safety, they seem to be more interested in being the gayest airline in existence. They hold LGBT events where people in rainbow outfits dance around and shout “gay” over and over again. I’m sorry, but am I missing something here? Is this an airline or a pride parade?

But wait, it gets even better. They have drag queens serving as flight attendants on “pride flights.” Yes, you heard that right. Drag queens. On airplanes. Is this some kind of twisted reality show? I can’t help but wonder, if I showed up to work in my “I’m straight” shirt and started gyrating and shouting “straight, straight, straight,” would I be fired? I think we all know the answer to that. This is not about equality; it’s about giving certain groups special privileges while the rest of us are left scratching our heads.

Now, I understand that Alaska Airlines is based in Seattle, one of the most liberal cities in America. But come on, folks, is this really what a major airline should be focusing on? Shouldn’t they be more concerned with, I don’t know, making sure their planes don’t fall apart mid-flight? Call me crazy, but that seems like a more important priority.

It’s clear that Alaska Airlines has become the poster child for DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) excess. They are more interested in virtue signaling and pandering to certain groups than actually providing a reliable and safe travel experience. And you know what? It might catch up with them sooner rather than later. People don’t want to fly on an airline that puts their political agenda ahead of passenger safety.

So, Alaska Airlines, I have some advice for you. Focus on what really matters – the safety and well-being of your passengers. Leave the woke antics behind and start putting your energy into ensuring that your planes stay in one piece. Otherwise, you might find yourself losing customers faster than you can say “identity politics.”

Written by Staff Reports

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