
Amazon Censors Hit Pro-Trump Doc, Shuns Free Speech

Well, well, well, buckle up, everyone, because it seems Amazon has pulled off another surprise move! Reports suggest that the tech giant has blacklisted the documentary "The Plot Against the President," directed by Amanda Milius. Yes, you heard it correctly – they've swiftly removed it from their Prime Video streaming service, almost as if the concept of "freedom of speech" vanished in thin air!

Let's be clear – Amazon's handling of this matter, without a proper explanation, is undeniably shady. Consumers can't even rent or buy the documentary digitally anymore, as if Amazon is trying to erase it from existence. Breitbart News delved into the matter, discovering that the title doesn't appear at all in the Prime Video app, and in some instances, it displays a message stating, "This video is currently unavailable to watch in your location." How convenient for Amazon, right?

Here's the kicker – nobody seems to know precisely when Amazon pulled this stunt. It's almost like they're attempting to cover their tracks. When Breitbart News asked a Prime Video spokeswoman about it, she conveniently sidestepped the tough questions, embodying a classic case of dodging the issue!

Now, let's dive into the heart of the matter – "The Plot Against the President" is based on Lee Smith's bestseller, offering an in-depth exploration of the Russiagate controversy. It sheds light on how Democrats and the mainstream media sought to undermine President Trump's transition of power after the 2016 election. It's an enlightening piece! And let's not forget about Rep. Devin Nunes and his endeavors to expose behind-the-scenes shenanigans.

Hold on, there's more! Since landing on Amazon in late 2020, the documentary amassed around 17,000 user reviews. Compare that to Al Gore's climate change film, "An Inconvenient Truth," with a mere 2,800 reviews. It's clear – "The Plot Against the President" was an Amazon hit, and that must have stung for the bigwigs over there.

And don't even get me started on Amazon Prime Video booting the entire library of the movie’s distributor, Turnkey Films, after just one copyright complaint. It's as if they're playing judge, jury, and executioner all at once! This is a classic example of big tech flexing its muscles and silencing voices that don’t align with their narrative.

But here's the silver lining – "The Plot Against the President" will still be available to stream on the Rumble/Locals platform starting Thanksgiving Day. It's also up for grabs on iTunes and YouTube, as well as Movies Plus. So, take that, Amazon! Your censorship tactics won't keep this documentary down!

And let's not overlook the broader picture here. Amazon has a track record of sidelining conservative content, like snubbing the Republican National Convention's live stream in 2020 after rolling out the red carpet for the Democratic National Convention. It's a pattern, and let’s not forget that Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos owns the left-leaning Washington Post. It's a one-two punch with their media and streaming power.

There you have it, folks! Amazon might have attempted to sweep "The Plot Against the President" under the rug, but the game isn't over yet. This showdown is another reminder that big tech likes to play favorites – and it's high time we all stood up and called them out on it! Keep your eyes peeled because the battle for free speech and fair treatment is far from over!

Written by Staff Reports

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