
Americans Arm Up: Highest Gun Ownership in 25 Years Defies Woke Politics!

In a recent poll conducted by NBC News, findings revealed that gun ownership in the United States has reached its highest level in nearly 25 years, with 52 percent of voters either owning a gun or having one in their household. This milestone, marking the highest recorded level of gun ownership in the poll’s history, underscores the enduring significance Americans place on their Second Amendment rights.

A concurrent Harvard poll indicated that 6 in 10 voters believe gun ownership is essential for self-defense, receiving support from a majority of Republicans, Democrats, and independents alike. This broad consensus reflects a shared recognition among Americans of all political affiliations regarding the importance of ensuring the safety of themselves and their families.

Concerns about rising crime rates in communities across the nation were also reflected in the NBC News poll. A substantial 42 percent of respondents felt that crime was on the increase, while only 21 percent believed it was improving. An overwhelming 90 percent of those surveyed considered crime to be either a “very serious” or “somewhat serious” issue, highlighting the widespread unease regarding public safety.

Attributing the rise in crime, a majority of respondents, accounting for 55 percent, pointed fingers at “woke politicians.” Furthermore, 67 percent supported the idea of removing District Attorneys perceived as lenient on crime. These results reveal the frustration and dissatisfaction many Americans feel towards political leaders and their handling of the crime situation.

Recent high-profile incidents, including home burglaries and a surge in terrorism, have heightened Americans' sense of insecurity. The FBI’s thwarted terror plot and other acts of violence have contributed to a growing feeling of vulnerability and apprehension.

In response to these concerns, several states have taken proactive measures to expand citizens’ ability to defend themselves. States such as Iowa, Tennessee, Texas, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming have enacted constitutional carry laws, allowing individuals to carry firearms without a permit. This trend has gained momentum, with a total of 27 states now authorizing constitutional carry.

These legislative actions have contributed to a significant increase in gun ownership over the past decade. Pollster Micah Roberts of Public Opinion Strategies noted a 10-point growth in gun ownership over the last ten years, reflecting a notable shift in Americans’ attitudes towards self-defense.

While opinions may vary on the necessity of widespread gun ownership, the reality is that Americans, irrespective of their backgrounds and political beliefs, recognize the importance of defending themselves in an increasingly uncertain and perilous world. The bipartisan embrace of Second Amendment rights signifies a collective commitment to safeguarding individual freedoms.

Facing domestic threats and global instability, the rise in gun ownership demonstrates Americans' determination to protect themselves and their loved ones. As Western Journal Founder Floyd G. Brown emphasizes, the publication remains dedicated to upholding truth and providing a platform for those who value their fundamental rights.

In conclusion, the surge in gun ownership reflects a steadfast commitment by Americans to self-protection in an environment marked by growing uncertainties. It is a testament to the enduring spirit of freedom and self-reliance deeply ingrained in American values for generations.






Written by Staff Reports

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