
Americans Back Israel in Defense War: Terrorist Sympathizers Exposed!

Folks, gather round and let me tell you the good news. Just a little while back, right after those crazy terrorists went on a killing spree in Israel, the majority of Americans made it clear where their allegiance lies. Take a look at these national surveys that showed an overwhelming amount of support for Israel’s defensive war against Hamas. I mean, it was a no-brainer! Despite all those ridiculous pro-Hamas rallies popping up like weeds and the flood of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rants on social media, Americans stood firm in their belief that Israel had every right to protect itself. And guess what? They also thought that the US government’s support for Israel was either right on the money or not strong enough. Can you believe it? Only a measly one-in-five disagreed. Talk about a landslide victory for common sense!

Now, brace yourselves, because the pro-Israel sentiment in America is not waning, my friends; it’s getting stronger! And this goes for Republicans, Independents, and even Democrats. Sure, there are still a few worrisome pockets of pro-Hamas supporters out there, but let’s not beat around the bush – they’re actually “pro-Hamas,” not just “pro-Palestine.” Let’s call it what it is, folks, no need for euphemisms! Now, here’s one group that’s been causing some real concern:

Are you ready for this? Hold onto your hats, because there has been a lot of talk about “Islamophobia” recently. But let me tell you, it’s wrong to paint everyone with a broad brush. We should denounce any form of bigotry, absolutely. And when a Palestinian-American child was tragically killed in Illinois last week, the pro-Israel community in this country condemned it without hesitation. Local rabbis even attended the funeral to show solidarity. That’s how decent people react to senseless violence. So, compare that to the sickening scenes of people celebrating the slaughter of hundreds of Jews, including innocent children. It’s a glaring reminder that those who claim to be worried about “Islamophobia” should be just as vocal in condemning the mass murder committed by Islamist extremist terrorists.

But here’s the kicker, my friends – according to a recent Cygnal poll, while the majority of Americans believe Hamas was not justified in killing innocent civilians, a majority of American Muslims actually think the opposite. They endorse the slaughter carried out by Hamas. And get this, the same poll reveals that a significant portion of American Muslims hold a favorable view of the head of this terrorist group. Now, I don’t know about you, but it’s not irrational to be alarmed by individuals who openly support terrorism and the murder of innocent Jews. It’s not a phobia; it’s just common sense! And guess who happens to be more susceptible to these repugnant views? The younger generation, my friends!

It’s not just Americans, mind you. Those peppy young Brits are singing a similar tune. Maybe – and I say this with a hint of hope – as they grow older, they’ll realize how horrifying their ignorance truly is. Or perhaps, being glued to social media day in and day out has made them especially susceptible to crazy, immoral misinformation. Either way, some Democrats are sounding the alarm, particularly when it comes to the youngest members of their party.

But let’s not forget about the Democrats who seem to be fanning the flames of misinformation and bigotry. They’re not doing the younger generation any favors with their harmful rhetoric. It’s not just politicians, folks; there are journalists adding fuel to the fire as well. It’s downright astonishing to see what these “elite” newsrooms are spewing.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, let me introduce you to a bright young mind from Brooklyn. This 22-year-old progressive fool claims that the Palestinians have “exhausted all other options except for violence.” Can you believe the audacity? Clearly, he has no clue that the Palestinians have rejected every single peace deal offered to them – and some of these deals were exceedingly generous! But I guess facts and reason don’t matter to him. If you’re willing to defend the murder of innocent babies and the barbarity of rape in the name of your political cause, you’re beyond persuasion. It’s this kind of mentality that leads to the despicable scenes we’re witnessing, not just overseas, but right here on our soil. Just look around, folks, it’s happening in our own backyard!

Written by Staff Reports

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