
AOC Bashes NYPD Dancers, Gets Fact-Checked Fast

The fiery New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is stirring the pot again with her latest critique, this time targeting the NYPD’s dance troupe. The far-left congresswoman didn’t hold back, questioning the funding for the dance performance and insinuating that school music programs may have suffered as a result. Of course, this is just typical of AOC – always quick to point fingers and jump to conclusions without any facts to back up her claims.

But hold on a minute, AOC! It turns out the dance troupe doesn’t even receive a single penny of taxpayer money. Autumn-Raine Martinez, the troupe’s president, set the record straight, emphasizing that these officers dance out of passion, not to drain public resources. Maybe Ocasio-Cortez should learn to check her facts before spouting off criticisms left and right.

Despite the unwarranted backlash, these dedicated officers continue to support each other and pursue their love for dancing. And they’ve got some big-name backup too – Mayor Eric Adams, a former police officer himself, publicly voiced his support for the troupe. He praised their efforts to humanize law enforcement and alleviate the stress of their demanding jobs. It’s good to see a leader like Adams standing up for those who serve and protect our communities.

As usual, AOC seems to be on the wrong side of the argument, showing her disconnect from the hardworking men and women in law enforcement. Instead of appreciating the positive impact of the dance troupe and Mayor Adams’ endorsement, she chose to criticize without knowing the full story. Maybe it’s time for AOC to dance to a different tune and start supporting our officers rather than constantly looking for fault where there is none.

Written by Staff Reports

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