
AOC Bullies Biden: Demands Immediate Gaza Ceasefire!

Twenty-four House Democrats have written a letter to President Joe Biden, urging him to consider an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Led by Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Mark Pocan, and Betty McCollum, the group expressed their concern about the escalating war and the grave violations against children. They cited the staggering number of children who have been killed and reported missing in the Gaza Strip. The letter called for an end to hostilities and the establishment of a bilateral ceasefire to prevent further loss of civilian life.

This letter puts even more pressure on Biden, highlighting the divisions within the Democratic Party regarding their support for Israel. While Biden has reaffirmed the United States’ alliance with Israel, members of the progressive “Squad” have been critical of Israel’s actions in Gaza. The House Foreign Affairs Committee recently screened graphic footage of Hamas’s attack for lawmakers, leaving some visibly shaken.


It is clear that there is tension within the Democratic Party, as lawmakers face criticism from their liberal constituents who want to see more humanitarian relief and a ceasefire. A new poll shows that public support for Israel’s war against Hamas is decreasing, with the majority of respondents believing Israel should agree to a ceasefire. However, some progressives in the Senate, like Sen. Bernie Sanders, have taken a more cautious approach, calling for an extended humanitarian pause instead of a ceasefire.

Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers remain largely united in supporting Israel and denouncing calls for a ceasefire. Sen. James Lankford received thunderous applause when he questioned when the world would call for a ceasefire from Hamas. Republican support for providing aid to Ukraine remains a point of division within the party. Overall, the situation in Gaza continues to raise complex geopolitical challenges for the Biden administration.

Written by Staff Reports

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