
AOC Dodges Questions, Silent on Hostages Held by Hamas

In a display of utter disregard for the safety and well-being of Americans held hostage by the terrorist organization Hamas, Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, also known as AOC, refused to denounce Hamas and answer questions when confronted by a concerned citizen.

But let’s not be surprised, folks. AOC’s refusal to condemn an organization like Hamas speaks volumes about her true agenda. It’s no secret that she is a part of the far-left squad that has shown sympathy towards radical ideologies. And now we have concrete proof that she is willing to turn a blind eye to the suffering of Americans at the hands of terrorists.

In a video shared by Chaya Raichik, a brave individual seeking answers, AOC seemed friendly at first. But as soon as she realized she was being filmed, she and her staffer attempted to evade the situation. Typical behavior from someone who claims to be a champion of the people, right?

But Raichik was not deterred. She persistently asked AOC about her association with Hamas and whether she cared about the Americans being held hostage. Shockingly, instead of addressing the issue head-on, AOC deflected by accusing Raichik of being transphobic. Seriously? This is a classic liberal tactic – when you don’t have the facts on your side, resort to personal attacks.

It’s alarming to think that a member of Congress, who should be accountable to the American people, would be so dismissive of a legitimate concern. As NPR reports, there are currently 10 Americans missing, and it’s believed that some of them are being held captive by Hamas. These are real lives at stake, and AOC refuses to even acknowledge the gravity of the situation.

Furthermore, AOC’s remarks earlier this month, where she argued against a strong response to Hamas’ attacks on Israel, only confirm her misguided priorities. War crimes are never the answer, but when a ruthless terrorist organization is intentionally targeting innocent civilians, firm action must be taken to ensure their safety.

But AOC chooses to downplay the threat Hamas poses and instead focuses on painting a distorted narrative. She mentions the number of Palestinian children who have died, as if to distract from the fact that Hamas uses them as human shields, cynically exploiting their lives for their own propaganda. It’s a disgraceful tactic meant to divert attention from the true perpetrators of violence.

It’s clear that AOC’s sympathies lie with Hamas and not with the American people she represents. Her unwillingness to address the issue of Americans held hostage and her defense of Hamas’ actions reveal a disturbing truth about her agenda. It’s time for voters to take a closer look at who they are electing to office and consider whether these politicians truly have their best interests at heart.

Written by Staff Reports

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