
AOC Snubbed For Top Committee Seat As Party Favors Establishment Candidate Connolly

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez experiences yet another setback in her political adventure, recently learning that a touch of maturity might not be enough to earn her a top position in Congress. While pitching herself to party leaders for the coveted role on the House Oversight Committee, she allegedly claimed to have “matured.” Party bosses appeared skeptical, ultimately leading to her losing out to Rep. Gerry Connolly of Virginia, who, unlike AOC, seems to have mastered the fine art of playing the establishment game.

The disappointment stings not just for Ocasio-Cortez but also for her zealous followers. This latest defeat indicates that even with her massive social media presence and fanatical base, she isn’t quite ready to transition her online influence into effective Congressional power. Ocasio-Cortez perhaps needs a lesson in political networking from those establishment types who she often derides. Connolly’s decisive defeat over her, with a vote of 131-84, makes it clear the old guard still holds sway.

Despite her attempts to cozy up to the establishment by vociferously defending the Biden administration against Republican scrutiny, Ocasio-Cortez remains a pariah among many in her own party. She may think she’s succeeded in winning over party bigwigs, but her colleagues have long memories and some are still reeling from her divisive tactics in previous years. One must wonder if her extensive social media fanfare translates as well among the more traditional lawmakers—a concept not lost on the Democratic Party, who are perhaps less-than-thrilled about AOC’s star power.

Ocasio-Cortez is not planning to fade away, however. She continues to plot her path, spouting a commitment to aid the working class, a crowd that seems to have eluded the likes of Vice President Kamala Harris. Whether she can pin down the elusive “working-class vote” is yet to be seen. While her liberal fans might adore her down-to-earth remarks and flashy Instagram posts, there’s a whole other world in the Capitol where actual policy is being debated—a world she appears to struggle navigating. 


As the 119th Republican-led Congress opens its doors, one can’t help but think Ocasio-Cortez’s dreams of political ascendancy—think Senate, governor, or even the White House—hang by a thread. With colleagues who are significantly older and perhaps more seasoned, time could be on her side if she decides to stay in the game. But can she resist the tempting lure of the private sector? It’s anyone’s guess. How her future unfolds will depend on whether she can leverage her star appeal into the kinds of coalitions that are necessary to thrive on Capitol Hill—an endeavor that might require a bit more than just an influencer’s charm and a clever TikTok video.

Even former President Trump chimed in, offering a bout of sympathy towards Ocasio-Cortez, though one must wonder just how genuine that is given his history of calling her out. His advice, which should be taken with a grain of salt, was to keep trying—a sentiment that she humorously responded to, demonstrating that amidst the chaos, she tries to keep her spirits high. It seems Ocasio-Cortez’s narrative is far from over, but the next chapter certainly requires she navigate the treacherous waters of political maturity if she hopes to climb the ranks in her party.

Written by Staff Reports

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