
AOC Stuns Leftists: Backs Biden Re-Election, Betrays Progressives

Progressives across the nation are outraged and lashing out at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) for her shocking endorsement of President Biden’s re-election bid. The progressive firebrand made this bombshell announcement during an episode of the liberal podcast “Pod Save America.”

When asked about her support for President Biden in the primary against challengers Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and author Marianne Williamson, Ocasio-Cortez shockingly replied, “I believe that given that field, yes.” Oh, the horror! How could she betray the progressive movement in such a manner?

In true AOC fashion, she tried to justify her endorsement by saying that Biden has done “quite well” considering the “limitations” of his presidency. But let’s be real, folks. We all know that President Biden’s administration has been an unmitigated disaster.

Sure, AOC casually mentioned a couple of things she liked, such as the American Rescue Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act. But does she seriously expect us to ignore the fact that our southern border is being overrun by illegal migrants or that inflation is skyrocketing under Biden’s reckless spending? AOC may be willing to sweep these issues under the rug, but conservatives are not fooled.

Even Briahna Joy Gray, the former national press secretary for Bernie Sanders’s failed 2020 presidential campaign, labeled Ocasio-Cortez’s endorsement a “betrayal.” And let’s be honest here, folks. When even Bernie’s own people are calling you out, you know you’ve messed up big time.

It’s no surprise that other progressives are also deeply disappointed by AOC’s endorsement of President Biden. They expected her to stand for their radical agenda, but instead, she chose to align herself with the moderate, establishment wing of the Democratic Party. It’s clear that AOC’s true colors are shining through, and they are not as progressive as she claims.

In the end, this endorsement only proves that AOC is more interested in playing politics than fighting for the values she claims to champion. Progressives deserve a true champion who will stand up for their radical ideology, not someone who will be swayed by political convenience. AOC’s betrayal is a wake-up call for conservatives to continue pushing back against the dangerous agenda of the progressive left.

Written by Staff Reports

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