
Arab Americans Abandon Biden: Approval Plummets to 29%, GOP on the Rise

The latest polling data has brought some grim news for President Biden and his Democratic pals. It turns out that even Arab Americans, who have traditionally leaned towards the blue team, are starting to see through the smoke and mirrors of the Biden administration. The Arab American Institute got all fancy and commissioned a fancy poll by John Zogby Strategies, and boy, did the results make the Dems sweat!

According to the data, Biden’s approval rating among Arab Americans has taken a nosedive. In 2020, he had a cushy 74% approval, but by 2023, that number sank faster than a stone in quicksand, plummeting to a sad 29%. Ouch! It looks like the rest of America isn’t the only one waking up to buyer’s remorse.

But wait, it gets worse for Sleepy Joe! Arab Americans, who are a substantial chunk of the voting population in swing states like Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, are now saying “thanks, but no thanks” to Biden and his cronies. Support for the President in the upcoming election has dropped a whopping 42% from 2020, going from 59% to a pathetic 17%. Can you hear the sound of hearts breaking in the Democratic Party headquarters?

And get this, folks: The poll also revealed that for the first time in 26 years, a majority of Arab Americans aren’t swooning over the Democrats. It’s like finding out your favorite ice cream has been replaced with last week’s leftovers. The data shows that 32% of Arab Americans are registering as Republicans, while a measly 23% are sticking with the crumbling blue ship. Talk about a political earthquake!

What could have caused this sea change? Well, the recent violence between Israel and Palestine has had a big impact on Arab Americans. Turns out, they’re not too thrilled with Biden’s handling of the situation. Two-thirds of these folks now have a negative view of his response. Yikes, that’s gotta sting! Not to mention, there’s growing concern within the community about the rise of antisemitism due to the violence. Can you blame them?

But it’s not just Arab Americans who are turning away from Biden. A Gallup poll showed that even within his own party, his approval rating took a nosedive. In just one month, he lost a whopping 11 points of support from his fellow Dems. Ouch! Seems like the disasters in Afghanistan, rising inflation, and the Middle-East mess with the surprise attack on Israel by those pesky Hamas militants struck a nerve. Who could have guessed?

The bottom line is that Biden’s approval ratings are tanking faster than a lead balloon. In January, he was flirting with a 57% approval, but by September, that number had shrunk to a measly 43%. That’s what we call a downward spiral, folks.

And with the midterm elections creeping up, this ain’t good news for the Democrats. Historically, the party in power tends to lose seats during midterms. With Biden’s approval rating in the dumps, it looks like the Dems are heading for an even bigger fall. It’s like they walked into a banana peel factory!

The take-home message here is that Biden and his party need to step up their game, especially in those crucial battleground states for the 2024 elections. The clock is ticking, folks, and the Dems better bring their A-game if they want a chance at keeping power. But let’s be real here, with their track record so far, it’s more like they’ll be playing a losing game of hopscotch. It’s time for a change!

Written by Staff Reports

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