
Archer Testimony Exposes Biden Lies: Lib Media in Damage Control Mode!

In the real world, it seems like the leftist media is always trying to twist the truth and hide the real story. For example, the transcript of Devon Archer's statement was just made public. You may have heard that Archer's evidence showed that Hunter Biden did some shady business, but let me tell you that couldn't be further from the truth.

Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman had said that Archer's testimony showed that Hunter Biden was under pressure from the Ukrainian energy business Burisma and that he had to make a "illusion of access to his father." What, though? "Illusion of access" wasn't something Archer actually said. No, it wasn't real. It was just something Congressman Goldman made up.

CBS even checked the facts and showed that Goldman was lying. They said, and I quote, "This was meant to send the message that there is power and access here." So, once again, the leftist media is trying to make it seem like Hunter Biden did something wrong by twisting the facts.

When asked about President Biden's claim that he had never talked to any of Hunter Biden's business partners, Goldman tried to twist the truth during his testimony. Goldman stumbled over his words and tried to make it seem like the President didn't say what he said. It's the usual double-talk from liberals.

Goldman was even bold enough to say that it's normal for a father to talk to his son's friends. Well, I can tell you that it's not normal for these friends to do shady business deals. We expect more from our President, but it's clear that Joe and Jill Biden have no idea what ethics are.

And don't forget that Archer's evidence was a bombshell because it showed that President Biden had talked to his son's business partners about 20 times. The Democrats want to make it seem like this was just a casual chat, but we know better. When the President of the United States talks to his son's business friends, you know something is up.

Archer also showed what was really going on with Burisma. He said, "Burisma would have closed sooner if the Biden name hadn't been used to promote it." That makes you sick, doesn't it? Because of the Biden family name, it's clear that people were afraid to mess with Burisma. We've come to expect this kind of corruption and trying to gain power from the swamp.

In the end, Archer's evidence may have seemed calm and casual, but this man is a criminal, so let's not forget that. He will go to jail for stealing tens of millions of dollars from people. So why should we take anything he says seriously? The Democrats are trying to take our attention away from the real problem, which is the Biden family's greed and lies.

Written by Staff Reports

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