
Ashley Biden Joins Brother in Tax Drama: What the Docs Reveal!

The Biden family’s tax evasion troubles don’t seem to be exclusive to Hunter Biden anymore. According to a report from Fox News on Monday, Ashley Biden, the half-sister of Hunter and daughter of President Joe Biden, now finds herself owing $5,000 in unpaid income taxes. It seems that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree when it comes to avoiding paying their “fair share” into government coffers.

Fox News obtained this information from a “recent tax lien docket” that they had access to. Liens, as explained by Fox, are legal claims that the government imposes on property or assets to secure unpaid taxes after multiple attempts to collect. In this case, the unpaid taxes for Ashley Biden date back to a period ranging from January 1, 2015, to January 1, 2021.

Both Ashley Biden and her attorney have reportedly chosen to remain silent on the matter, as they failed to respond to requests for comments from Fox. And it seems the White House is following suit, as they too have not responded to a similar request.

Garrett Ziegler, the founder of the nonprofit organization Marco Polo and a former aide to President Trump, didn’t hold back when calling out the Bidens for their carelessness. Ziegler discovered the lien during what he categorized as a “routine search” of Philadelphia court records. He emphasized the irony of a family that constantly harps on the need for “millionaires and billionaires” to pay their “fair share,” yet fails to pay their legally mandated share.

Ashley Biden, the youngest child of Joe Biden and his second wife Jill Biden, has a master’s degree in social work and previously worked as a social worker in the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth, and Their Families. Earlier this year, there were reports of her applying for a doctorate in clinical social work.

All in all, it seems that tax evasion is becoming somewhat of a tradition within the Biden family. With Hunter Biden’s well-documented tax troubles and now Ashley joining in on the fun, one can only wonder if this is just another example of the Biden family’s carelessness or if there’s something more sinister at play.

Written by Staff Reports

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