
Assistant Principal Funds Traffickers: Liberal Indoctrination Endangering Our Students?

In a shocking twist that highlights the liberal agenda infiltrating our schools, an assistant principal at Mount Pleasant High School in Rhode Island has been caught soliciting donations to pay off human traffickers. That’s right, folks, an educational institution was actively involved in supporting illegal and dangerous activities.

It all started when the assistant principal, Stefani Harvey, sent an email urging staff members to donate money to a student who came to America with a “coyote.” Now, for those who are unfamiliar with the term, coyotes are human smugglers who profit off the misfortune of others. They bring people illegally into the United States and hold them hostage until they pay exorbitant sums of money.

But instead of condemning this illegal activity, Harvey referred to the coyotes as “a group that helps people.” Talk about a blatant disregard for the rule of law! It’s clear that this assistant principal was more concerned with promoting a left-wing narrative than with upholding the values of our great nation.

Thankfully, the school’s principal, Tiffany Delaney, quickly realized the gravity of the situation and sent out a follow-up email denouncing the request for money. However, it’s troubling to think that Harvey believed it was appropriate to solicit donations for human traffickers in the first place.

But that’s not all. Emails obtained by Parents Defending Education reveal that Harvey knew full well she was raising money for human traffickers. A previous email from a guidance counselor stated that the student’s family was in danger and would be killed if the debt wasn’t paid. So not only was this assistant principal supporting illegal activity, but she was also complicit in the potential harm of this student’s family.

And the icing on the cake? A school board member named Ty’Relle Stephens dismissed those who were upset about the situation as “right-wing extremists.” It’s clear that these liberal educators are more concerned with defending their own reputation than with protecting the safety and well-being of our students.

This is a wake-up call for all conservatives. Our schools have become breeding grounds for liberal indoctrination, where the safety of our children takes a backseat to the progressive agenda. It’s time for us to stand up and demand accountability from these educators who are betraying the trust of parents and endangering the lives of our students.

Nicki Neily, president of Parents Defending Education, summed it up perfectly when she said that the actions of the school officials “merit immediate investigation both by the state and federal government.” We cannot allow our educational system to be overrun by liberals who prioritize their ideology over the safety and well-being of our children.

It’s time for conservative parents to take a stand and demand change. Our children deserve an education free from left-wing propaganda and dangerous associations with human traffickers. It’s time to reclaim our schools and put the safety of our children first.

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

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