
Austin Hospitalized Again, Biden Admin’s Secrecy Exposed!

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was hospitalized for the second time in as many months, and the leftists and their allies at the Biden administration were once again caught keeping vital information from the American people. The Department of Defense swiftly informed the White House and others about Austin’s admittance, which was a stark contrast to the prior incident when Austin was unconscious for days following a procedure to treat prostate cancer, and no one in the Biden administration had any idea. Who was truly in control of the U.S. military during that time remains unclear.

This time, the 70-year-old Austin was admitted to the critical care unit at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for a bladder issue. The Pentagon announced his hospitalization and assured the public that Austin’s cancer prognosis was “excellent.” Despite his health concerns, Austin was said to be retaining the functions and duties of his office, with the Deputy Secretary of Defense prepared to step in if needed. It’s reassuring to know that the country’s military forces are still in capable hands, but it’s alarming that Austin’s health status was once again met with a lack of proper notification and transparency.

The White House and President Joe Biden were not informed about Austin’s health status for three full days during his first hospitalization, and Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, who was supposed to assume some of Austin’s duties, was not notified until days after his admission to the hospital. This lack of communication and delay in keeping the higher-ups informed is unacceptable and raises serious concerns about the transparency and competence of the Biden administration.

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Written by Staff Reports

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