
Axelrod Cheers Biden’s No-Run Decision Amid Stinging Critiques

David Axelrod, a Democratic political strategist with a knack for flip-flopping, recently delivered a standing ovation to President Joe Biden by hailing his decision to not run for reelection. This comes as a surprising twist considering Axelrod had spent weeks passionately arguing that Biden needed to throw in the towel. It seems that Biden’s inability to string together coherent thoughts has finally become too hard for even his own side to ignore.

In what can only be described as an epic dodge, Biden announced his retreat from a second term in a statement on social media platform X, where even the ducks in the park have more character than his speeches. He didn’t just back down quietly; he also generously gave his full blessing to Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor. Talk about leaving a bowl of half-baked cookies on the counter for the next baker.

Axelrod, now suddenly an armchair historian, believes that Biden’s choice will result in future accolades for his “extraordinary accomplishments.” What accomplishments, Axelrod? The inflation that took off like a rocket? Or perhaps the stimulus checks that felt nice but only dug Americans deeper into debt? Axelrod claims that real leaders, like Biden, understand that the nation is bigger than their own ambitions. That’s rich, coming from an administration that seems to be obsessed with gerrymandering Supreme Court decisions and snooping through our personal lives.

The absurdity doesn’t stop there. Axelrod’s exasperation with Biden began escalating after a downright cringe-worthy debate performance that could make even a seasoned stand-up comedian cringe. Axelrod, despite being part of Team Biden, pointed out that time waits for no man—including an 81-year-old president with a questionable grip on reality. It’s a bit late to be ringing alarm bells over mental acuity when the whole country has been subjected to a game of “Where’s Biden?” for the last couple of years. 


Axelrod had previously blasted Biden for what he described as a complete failure to reassure voters about his mental fitness. He suggested that voters deserve clarity, not the “bad episode” line Biden used to brush off the debate disaster. Meanwhile, Axelrod’s social media meanderings imply he was only looking out for Biden’s best interests, though many might argue it was more about shielding the Democratic Party’s reputation from further embarrassment before the looming election.

As if things couldn’t get juicier, former President Donald Trump chimed in, dismissing Biden as “Crooked Joe” and stating that nobody was ever fooled into thinking he was fit to lead. Trump firmly believes that the United States will suffer economically under Biden’s presidency, a sentiment many Americans can likely agree with post-2020. And let’s not forget, Trump has just emerged victorious as the GOP’s presidential nominee after dodging an assassination attempt—proving once again that the man knows how to weather a storm, unlike the current administration, which seems to be sinking faster than a lead balloon.

Written by Staff Reports

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