
Baby & Family Held by New Terror Group: Biden Golfs in Nantucket

In a shocking update that has sent shockwaves through the world, it has been revealed that 10-month-old Kfir Bibas, his 4-year-old brother Ariel, and their mother have been transferred from Hamas to another ruthless terrorist organization, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). This comes as no surprise to those who are well aware of the true nature of these terrorist groups.

The PFLP has long been recognized as a terrorist organization by the State Department. Yes, folks, you heard that right. Our own government has classified these barbarians as terrorists since 1997. Yet, there are still some who refuse to acknowledge the grave danger they pose to innocent lives.

Now, Kfir’s name is trending all across social media, as people from around the world demand the immediate release of this innocent baby. Who could have imagined that a baby would become a victim of terrorism? It’s absolutely heartbreaking.

Let’s not forget the horrific terrorist attack that led to this tragic situation. On that fateful day, Hamas unleashed pure chaos, senselessly murdering over 1,200 Israelis, most of them innocent civilians. Can you believe it? This was the bloodiest day in Israel’s history, surpassing even the darkest days of the Holocaust. The brutality displayed by Hamas knows no bounds, from torturing and raping to kidnapping innocent people, including children.

And what has President Joe Biden done about this? He proudly claims credit for negotiating the release of hostages, yet it wasn’t until the third round of releases that an American child was freed. Biden, while innocent lives hang in the balance, spent his Thanksgiving weekend gallivanting in Nantucket. Talk about misplaced priorities.

But the atrocities committed by Hamas don’t stop at taking innocent civilians hostage. They have also callously denied access to the Red Cross, preventing any humanitarian assistance to reach those suffering in captivity. This is a blatant violation of international law and a clear disregard for the principles of human rights.

Just when we thought a temporary ceasefire might bring some relief, we now learn that some hostages have been transferred to the PFLP. These terrorists are not to be trusted, and it is our duty to condemn their actions and demand the safe return of all hostages.

The world needs to wake up and recognize the true face of terrorism. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed by these savage groups. It’s time for decisive action, strong leadership, and unwavering support for our allies who face these threats every day.

Written by Staff Reports

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