
Bakari Sellers Fumbles on Nikki Haley’s Race, CNN Stumped

Bakari Sellers, an obvious Democratic operative and former South Carolina representative, made a completely false and ignorant statement about the great Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley that left CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins in shock. Sellers referred to Haley as a “white governor from the Deep South” when she is actually a proud woman of color who became the first Asian American woman to serve as a state’s governor in 2010. It’s no surprise that the liberal left can’t get their facts straight, but it’s shocking to see it happen on national television.

Not only was Sellers blatantly wrong about Haley’s ethnicity, but he also falsely attacked her character by insinuating she was falsely taking credit for bringing down the Confederate flag in Charleston. In a display of true leadership, Haley bravely took down the flag after a tragic shooting at a black church in 2015. Sellers using the death of nine innocent people to spew his lies and hatred about a Republican leader is sickening and shameful.

It’s clear that Collins, a smart and fair journalist, knew Sellers was out of line and quickly jumped in to correct him. It’s a shame that more news anchors don’t have the integrity to correct falsehoods and fake news on their own networks. Sellers should be ashamed of himself, but it’s doubtful he is. As a Democratic operative, he’s more interested in spreading lies and propaganda to attack conservative leaders than in actually telling the truth.

The reaction to Sellers’ comments from Haley’s campaign staff was spot on; they correctly labeled his statement as a joke. Haley has been leading the way in town hall events, connecting with voters on the ground, and releasing conservative policy solutions for the issues that matter most to Americans. She’s the true conservative candidate who won’t cave to the liberal talking heads, and that’s why voters love her.

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

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