
Bank Targets Vaccine Critic & His Business: Free Speech Under Fire?

JPMorgan Chase Gives Vaccine Critic a Taste of Their Own Medicine

In a move that has left conservatives scratching their heads, JPMorgan Chase has decided to shut down bank accounts for companies owned by Dr. Joseph Mercola, a vocal critic of the COVID-19 vaccine. That’s right, folks, a man exercising his God-given right to express his opinion is now being punished by the big banks. It’s a tale as old as time.

The shutdown notice claims there was “unexpected activity” on these accounts, but, let’s be real, we all know what’s really going on here. JPMorgan Chase is giving in to the liberal agenda and trying to silence dissenting voices. They can’t handle the fact that Dr. Mercola refuses to toe the line and accept everything that the so-called “experts” tell us.

But here’s the kicker, folks. The accounts being closed don’t just belong to Dr. Mercola himself. Oh no, they’re also closing accounts for Mercola Market, CEO Steven Rye, his wife, CFO Amalia Legaspi, and two members of her family. That’s right, innocent people are being caught in the crossfire simply because they are associated with Dr. Mercola. Talk about guilt by association.

When questioned about the closures, a Chase vice president claimed he couldn’t provide a reason due to “legal reasons.” Convenient, isn’t it? It’s almost as if they’re hiding something. Maybe they’re afraid that if the truth came out, people would realize they’re just another cog in the leftist propaganda machine.

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. chimed in on Twitter, criticizing the bank’s decision and questioning why “medical dissent” would lead to being de-banked. But let’s not forget, it’s not about medical dissent, it’s about punishing those who dare to challenge the narrative.

This whole situation is a prime example of cancel culture run amok. If someone doesn’t agree with the established dogma, the left is more than happy to silence them, whether it’s through social media bans or, apparently, shutting down their bank accounts. It’s a sad state of affairs when we can’t even have a healthy debate about important issues without facing financial repercussions.

In conclusion, JPMorgan Chase’s decision to close the accounts of Dr. Mercola and those associated with him is nothing short of an attack on free speech. It’s a clear message to anyone who dares to question the mainstream narrative: conform or face the consequences. But conservatives aren’t ones to back down so easily. We will continue to fight for our rights and challenge the status quo, no matter how hard the left tries to silence us.

Written by Staff Reports

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