
Bernie Sanders Defends Hamas, Accuses Israel of Mass Murders

In a recent interview with CBS News, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) made some rather strong remarks concerning Israel’s response to a recent terror attack. According to Sanders, Israel did not have the right to “kill 12,000 people in six, seven weeks.” Now, I’m no math genius, but that seems like a ridiculously high number to throw around. Perhaps Senator Sanders is getting his figures from a different universe or maybe taking a wild guess. Either way, it’s important to fact-check these types of statements before jumping to any conclusions.

It’s no secret that Senator Sanders has a history of criticizing Israel and taking a position that seems more sympathetic to its enemies. It’s almost like he forgets that Israel is a democratic state defending itself against constant threats from terrorist organizations. Israel has the right to protect its citizens and take appropriate action in response to terror attacks. It’s not an ideal situation, but when faced with the choice of defending your people or allowing them to be attacked, the choice is clear.

Senator Sanders’ comments here are just another example of his misguided understanding of the complexities of the Middle East conflict. While a peaceful resolution should always be the goal, it cannot be achieved by ignoring the reality on the ground. Israel has a right to defend itself, plain and simple. Painting them as the aggressor in this situation is not only inaccurate, but it also only serves to further perpetuate the cycle of violence.

Hopefully, Senator Sanders will take a step back and reconsider his positions on Israel. It’s time to acknowledge their right to self-defense and work towards a solution that recognizes the security concerns of both Israelis and Palestinians. But until then, we can expect more of the same from the Senator – misguided and uninformed statements that only serve to undermine our allies and embolden our enemies.

Written by Staff Reports

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