
Biden Admin Admits Iran Deal Scorched, Flirts with $16B Tehran Gift!

President Biden’s No. 2 pick for the State Department, Kurt Campbell, made some waves recently when he declared that the Obama-era nuclear deal is toast. Yes, you heard that right – toast, as in burnt to a crisp! Campbell suggested that the Biden administration is waving the white flag on reviving the deal, much to the dismay of many Americans.

The 2015 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), has been a thorn in the side of conservatives for years. Former President Trump pulled the plug on it in 2018 because it failed to address Iran’s support of terrorist groups like Hamas. Fast forward to today, and it looks like the Biden administration is finally realizing that negotiating with Iran might not be such a bright idea after all!

To add insult to injury, reports surfaced about backchannel diplomacy resulting in a deal to release a whopping $6 billion in frozen Iranian assets as part of a sketchy prisoner swap. Can you believe it? Six billion big ones going straight into the pockets of the world’s number one state sponsor of terrorism! And if that’s not enough, the administration also sweetened the deal by freeing up an additional $10 billion for Iran to buy electricity from Iraq. It’s like Christmas came early for Tehran!

Republican lawmakers have been throwing a fit over these developments, and rightly so! They argue that this cash flow could end up funding terrorism and other nefarious activities. And when you’ve got senators like James Risch of Idaho scratching their heads and asking, “What in the world is the administration thinking about freeing up cash to Iran?”, you know things have gone off the rails.

But fear not, dear readers, because our man Campbell swooped in to defend the administration’s controversial policy. He claims that the money hasn’t been spent and is just sitting in an account, waiting to be unleashed. He also wants us to believe that if Iran does get its hands on the cash, it’ll be used for humanitarian purposes. Yeah, right! I’ve got a bridge to sell you if you buy that line!

Campbell is also talking tough, saying that Iran needs to be isolated diplomatically and militarily. While it’s great to hear someone finally taking a stand against Iran’s shenanigans, one can’t help but wonder if it’s a case of too little, too late. Only time will tell if the Biden administration can get its act together and stop playing footsie with one of the world’s most dangerous regimes.

Written by Staff Reports

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