
Biden Admin Faces Backlash for Allowing Cuban Officials in Secure Airport Areas

The Biden Administration’s recent decision to allow Cuban officials to tour secure areas of Miami International Airport has sparked outrage among patriotic Americans. Despite Cuba being designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, five Cuban officials were given a five-hour tour of a TSA checkpoint and baggage screening area, raising concerns about national security.

Critics, including Senator Marco Rubio, have slammed the administration for welcoming officials from a known terrorist regime into one of the busiest airports in America. The decision to host Cuban officials in sensitive airport operations areas has been called a significant security risk by experts and lawmakers alike.

The timing of the Biden Administration’s actions is particularly troubling, as just last week, Cuba was removed from the list of nations not fully cooperating in the fight against terrorism. This move has raised questions about whether the administration will also remove Cuba from the “state sponsor of terrorism” list in the near future.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, when questioned about the potential delisting of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism, indicated that no changes were imminent. However, the decision to allow Cuban officials access to secure airport areas has left many wondering about the administration’s priorities when it comes to national security.

In a time when threats from hostile nations are ever-present, it is crucial for the United States to uphold strong security measures and not compromise national interests for political appeasement. Allowing officials from a state sponsor of terrorism to observe U.S. airport security procedures is not only reckless but also sends a dangerous message to other hostile regimes around the world.

Written by Staff Reports

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