
Biden Admin Overseeing DRC Elections Amid U.S. Election Integrity Doubts

In a recent event, the Biden/Harris administration and the State Department were assigned the task of overseeing the election integrity of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). How ironic! This administration, which has been accused of pressuring social media platforms and halting vote counts in the U.S., is now involved in validating elections in the DRC. The Democrats have a history of opposing voter ID laws and favoring policies that ensure their victories.

The DRC’s recent election saw Felix Tshisekedi sworn in for a second term amid controversy. Questions were raised about the legitimacy of the election, with low voter turnout and irregularities at polling stations. Despite concerns, the Biden administration affirmed Tshisekedi’s win, dismissing fraud allegations as unsubstantiated.

It is concerning to see parallels between the actions of the Democrats in the U.S. and the ruling powers in the DRC. Both prioritize ensuring their preferred candidate wins, even if it undermines the democratic process. The Democrats’ involvement in the DRC’s elections raises doubts about their commitment to true election integrity.

China’s influence in the DRC, particularly in controlling valuable resources like cobalt, demonstrates the consequences of unchecked foreign involvement. The Democrats’ approach to governance, as seen in their handling of elections and international relations, may mirror the exploitative practices observed in the DRC.

It is crucial to remain vigilant and hold elected officials accountable to uphold democratic principles. The events in the DRC serve as a cautionary tale about the importance of transparency and fair elections in safeguarding democracy.

Written by Staff Reports

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