
Biden Admin Rolls Out Red Carpet for Chinese, Russian Spies at US Nuke Site

The Biden administration is finding itself in hot water once again, as reports have surfaced that a senior official extended invitations to Chinese Communist Party and Russian representatives to tour a top-secret U.S. national security location. This revelation has sparked outrage among conservative Republicans, with GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik taking the lead in demanding answers from the administration. According to the reports, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm invited Chinese and Russian counterparts to visit the National Nuclear Security Administration site in Nevada, where sensitive nuclear experiments are conducted.

The Department of Defense has recently raised concerns about China’s aggressive nuclear expansion, surpassing previous U.S. projections. Stefanik wasted no time in criticizing the Biden administration for allowing foreign adversaries to have access to critical U.S. nuclear test sites, warning of the potential catastrophic consequences. She stressed that granting Communist China and Russia unprecedented access and insight into U.S. nuclear weapons tests could provide them with invaluable information on how to defeat America’s nuclear capabilities and enhance their own.

Joining Stefanik in her demand for action, Rep. Doug Lamborn expressed astonishment at the reports, emphasizing the dangers of allowing foreign adversaries to observe confidential U.S. nuclear testing activities. Lamborn highlighted the importance of maintaining the advantage in nuclear capabilities to ensure national security and deterrence. He further condemned the Biden administration’s decision to extend such invitations to Russia and China, underscoring their lack of transparency regarding their own nuclear weapons development and deployments.

The controversy surrounding the invitations extended to Chinese and Russian representatives comes on the heels of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s withdrawal from the last remaining nuclear arms control pact with the U.S. and the signing of legislation that removes Russia from its ratification of a worldwide treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons testing. These actions have been met with criticism from the State Department, signaling a deteriorating relationship between the two nations.

The latest misstep by the Biden administration has reignited concerns about the administration’s approach to national security and foreign policy. Conservative Republicans are sounding the alarm, calling for immediate action to rectify the potentially damaging repercussions of allowing foreign adversaries access to sensitive U.S. nuclear test sites. As the debate rages on, the Biden administration is facing mounting pressure to address this latest controversy and reassure the American public of its commitment to safeguarding the nation’s security interests.

Written by Staff Reports

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