
Biden Admin Scrambles for PR After Botched Trump Assassination Attempt

The Biden administration has trotted out its latest PR stunt following the botched assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announcing an independent review. Apparently, the wheels only start turning when the former president is involved, while other pressing issues tend to get swept under the rug.

Mayorkas has decided to throw together a bipartisan task force to investigate this near-fatal incident that occurred during a rally in Pennsylvania as if it’s another politically charged committee meeting. Notably, former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has been pulled from the Obama archives to lend her expertise, along with two security advisers from the George W. Bush administration. The optics of this diverse-sounding task force might impress some, but anyone with half a brain knows it’s just a bit of window dressing.

Mayorkas made a big announcement of the urgency of the matter, insisting that he was “committed” to uncovering the truth behind this shocking attack. One must wonder if this newfound zeal for transparency is consistent with the administration’s usual methods. With past incidents like the Afghanistan withdrawal and the various fiascos at the border, the belief that they will deliver coherent, actionable intelligence feels a bit naïve.

The department is not just creating a report for the sake of it; they’re asking the panel to come back with recommendations in real-time. It sounds rather proactive, but one can’t help but think that any such recommendations would likely originate from the same bureaucratic swamp that has failed to protect the American people on multiple fronts. It’s as though they believe dressing up this investigation with urgency will mask the incompetence they’re obviously trying to conceal.

As for promises of transparency, that’s rich coming from a man whose administration has misled the public on numerous levels. The statements from both Mayorkas and Biden suggest that transparency will be the name of the game, but let’s not forget the proverbial cat they allowed to slip out of the bag. The layers of red tape surrounding any government investigation are notorious, and trusting this administration to be candid is like trusting a fox to guard the henhouse. The American people deserve a thorough and honest account of the events that transpired. Still, past performance suggests that this will merely be another spin cycle in the never-ending political gamesmanship.

Written by Staff Reports

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