
Biden Administration Bungles Hurricane Response While Harris Shifts Blame To Desantis

Natural disasters are the ultimate litmus test for political leaders, and so far, the Biden administration is getting an epic failing grade. With the recent chaos that was Hurricane Helene, it seems like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their national Democrat pals are scrambling to shift the narrative toward Hurricane Milton, perhaps hoping everyone will forget their slow response to Helene. Unfortunately for them, the clock is ticking and Floridians aren’t feeling the love from the top.

Even the left-leaning comedy site The Onion managed to catch the glaring stupidity of the administration’s response to Hurricane Helene, humorously pointing out FEMA’s utter lack of action. Instead of springing into action to help those in need, FEMA looked more like a lazy viewer binge-watching TikToks about the disaster. The reality, as anyone who resides in these disaster-stricken areas knows, is that the response from the federal government was sluggish at best and largely indifferent.

Enter Kamala Harris, who, sensing the backlash and recognition of her notable absence during the crisis, attempted a Hail Mary by blaming Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for her own shortcomings. Harris claimed he was dodging her calls, yet DeSantis quickly shot that theory down, revealing he had never received a call from her. Ironically, the Vice President seemed more interested in playing politics than actually helping the victims.

While Harris feigned concern on an ill-timed tour of damage weeks after the fact, DeSantis had already been coordinating aid and making crucial decisions. By the time Harris finally decided to show her face in North Carolina, all the responsible leaders had been there multiple times before her, leaving her late arrival looking more like a PR stunt than genuine compassion. After all, a little extra attention from the Vice President sounds nice, but it doesn’t do much when families are left reeling from disaster.

Trump, on the other hand, was criticized for bringing politics into the mix, but he prioritized showing up shortly after a crisis, something Harris has failed to do. History shows that during tough times, people want to see their leaders take action and embody empathy; they want to feel the government’s presence. George W. Bush’s iconic moment atop the rubble after 9/11 is crystal clear in the minds of Americans—leadership in action.

It’s not just about the optics, despite what the Democrat apologists might suggest—it’s about real leadership. Americans expect leaders to roll up their sleeves, offer morale boosts, and deliver much-needed supplies. In contrast, Harris’s approach appears half-hearted at best. Unlike political heavyweights like Obama and Romney, who both rose above party lines to help Hurricane Sandy survivors, Harris is flailing as she tries to find relevance during a time of crisis.

In her role, Harris should be stepping up to the plate, listening to victims, and doing the work, rather than curling up like a hedgehog under a pile of political incompetence. Florida is gearing up to weather Hurricane Milton, which is on a historic trajectory and could pack a serious punch. This is Harris’s moment to prove she’s capable, yet the past suggests she lacks the political chops to even pass this simple test. If she’s smart, she’ll take a page from Trump’s book—showing up, lending a hand, and listening to the people instead of blaming others.

The task at hand is straightforward: demonstrate real commitment and compassion as the clouds gather. But with Harris’ track record in politics, one could only hope she’s learned something from her earlier failures. She has an opportunity to redeem herself, but judging by history, it might just be a false alarm. If Biden wants positive marks amidst this disaster, he may unfortunately have to step in again and show her how it’s done. For now, it seems clear that while disasters will keep testing our leaders, Harris is still looking for a lesson—or worse, an exit.

Written by Staff Reports

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Kamala Harris Praises Biden’s Failures: Blind Loyalty Or Out Of Touch?