
Biden Administration Prioritizes Illegal Immigrants Over American Citizens In Medicaid Expansions

Nations were established for the benefit of their citizens, and that fundamentally simple principle appears lost on the affluent liberal elite ensconced in the Biden administration. Instead of focusing on the true needs of American citizens, it seems this administration has taken a page from a textbook titled “How to Hand Out Benefits to Just About Anyone but Americans.”

Recently, Hayden Dublois of the Foundation for Government Accountability pointed out what can only be described as Biden and Kamala Harris’s gargantuan handout to illegal aliens—an act of generosity that seems to have no end in sight. With the expansion of Medicaid benefits to illegal immigrants, the Biden-Harris team is shattering a welfare system that was already hanging on by a thread. Dublois, serving as the FGA’s Data and Analytics Director, highlighted an alarming surge in the number of illegal aliens receiving Medicaid since 2019—a staggering 500 percent increase, costing taxpayers an eye-watering $1 billion annually.

And just when it couldn’t get any worse, Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services has rolled out a shiny new regulation allowing perpetual extensions of the grace period for undocumented applicants, effectively ensuring that states are unable to laugh in the face of ineligible illegal aliens on Medicaid. This change is like opening both floodgates and doors at the southern border, because if there’s anything that illegal migrants love more than risking the trek to America, it’s knowing that taxpayers will cover their health care expenses indefinitely.

By seemingly creating a “Welcome to America: Health Care for All” festival, the administration is inviting more and more illegal migrants to flock to the border. Dublois warned that “the deluge is inevitable,” suggesting that as news of these new benefits spreads, it may just spark an even larger surge of immigration. It’s a puzzling mystery why anyone would vote for such a damaging agenda that favors illegality over common sense, leaving only one rational conclusion: Only those who harbor a deep disdain for everyday Americans could support these reckless policies.

The ugly truth is that these affluent liberals do not actually care about the struggles of working-class citizens. They cloak their intentions behind a facade of compassion for the less fortunate while simultaneously undermining the very structure of the nation that was created for its citizens. They appear to relish the opportunity to parade their so-called moral superiority while actively contributing to the erosion of American sovereignty.

It’s clear that the nation’s resources should cater to those who contribute to society—not illegal aliens. Yet the Biden-Harris duo paints a different story, one that reveals their desire to dismantle the very fabric that keeps America together. So, amidst this chaos, the critical question remains: Who among these affluent liberals genuinely cares for the American public? One can only make judgments based on their self-serving actions. The reality is that the nation exists for its citizens, not for those crossing borders with the consultant-like entitlement of permanent residency on the taxpayer’s dime.

Written by Staff Reports

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