
Biden Ally Urges Israel to Submit to Hamas Terrorists in Shocking Op-Ed

A Joe Biden ally has made an outrageous and despicable argument, suggesting that Israel should bow down to the terrorist organization Hamas and let them claim victory. Thomas L. “Tom” Friedman of The New York Times has plunged to new depths with his recent opinion piece, insisting that Israel should surrender to a group like Hamas, known for its brutal attacks on innocent Israelis.

Friedman’s article is a prime example of the anti-Israel bias that pervades certain segments of the media. He paints the Israeli government as “far-right” simply for wanting to protect its citizens from terrorist threats, while pushing Biden as a solution to end the conflict by taking an even more anti-Israel stance. His use of the phrase “between the river and the sea,” a known chant of Hamas calling for the destruction of Israel, is utterly disgraceful.

In a stunning show of disregard for reality, Friedman suggests that Israel should meet Hamas’ demands to end the war and withdraw from Gaza in exchange for Israeli hostages. This despite the fact that Hamas has a history of breaking ceasefires and continuing its terrorist activities without hesitation. It’s alarming that Friedman would advocate for such a dangerous and naive approach to the situation.

Furthermore, Friedman’s disdain for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his alliance with Jewish extremists is unjustified. Rejecting partnership with the Palestinian Authority is a reasonable stance, given the PA’s support for terrorists through programs like “Pay-for-Slay.” By promoting Biden’s misguided plans and attacking Orthodox Jews, Friedman reveals his own biases and lack of understanding of the complexities in the region.

Despite Hamas’ heinous actions, including the recent killing of over a thousand Israelis, Friedman seems to believe that surrendering to this terrorist group will somehow bring peace to the Middle East. His disconnect from reality and blatant disregard for Israel’s right to defend itself is deeply troubling. It’s clear that Friedman’s views are not only misguided but also dangerous in their implications for the region’s stability and security.

In a world where terrorism and extremism continue to threaten peace, it is imperative to stand with our allies, particularly Israel, in the face of such blatant aggression. The words of support and solidarity must not be drowned out by the voices of appeasement and capitulation, as echoed by individuals like Friedman. It’s crucial to remember the importance of standing firm against evil and supporting those who fight for freedom and democracy in the face of tyranny and oppression.

Written by Staff Reports

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