
Biden: America’s “Third Black President”? Unmasking Liberals’ Race-Driven Agenda!

In a recent opinion piece by Juan Williams, he had the audacity to label Joe Biden as “America’s third Black President,” placing him behind Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Now, before you go grab your magnifying glass to find the African-American lineage in Biden’s family tree, let’s just say that not everyone is buying this narrative.

Critics argue that Williams is simply blurring the facts and spinning a comforting tale for the liberal base. They see through this obvious attempt to create a favorable image of Biden’s racial justice policies. Nice try, Williams.

Yes, Juan, Biden appointed General Lloyd J. Austin as the first Black Secretary of Defense and chose Air Force General Charles Q. Brown as the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He also removed confederate names from military bases. But let’s not forget that diversity includes more than just skin color. It’s about diversity of thought and ideas, not just race.

Williams also points out that Biden trusted a Black woman, Shalanda Young, as the director of the Office of Management and Budget. While it’s great to see individuals of different backgrounds in positions of power, it shouldn’t be the sole focus of Biden’s accomplishments. Elevating people based on their race rather than their qualifications can be problematic, Juan.

Sure, Biden may take credit for the lowest Black unemployment rate on record, and he did make some strides in reducing the cost of prescription drugs and hearing aids. But let’s not forget that these achievements are part of a broader economic recovery that was set in motion under the Trump administration. It’s disingenuous to give Biden all the credit.

And let’s not forget the ongoing battle with student loan debt. Biden may have cut $9 billion more, but it’s important to question the government’s role in creating this crisis in the first place. Perhaps rather than throwing more money at the problem, we should be examining the root causes and encouraging personal responsibility.

But hey, Biden failed to pass police reform and address voter suppression, so let’s just blame that on GOP obstruction. It’s always convenient to point fingers, isn’t it? Instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue and finding common ground, Williams and his ilk are quick to cast Republicans as enemies of progress. Way to promote unity, Juan.

Let’s not forget that the alternative to Biden in the 2024 presidential race could be Trump and a Republican Party that supposedly harbors hostility toward Black people and their interests. Well, speaking as a conservative, that’s simply not true. The GOP isn’t hostile; they just have different ideas about how to achieve equality and prosperity for all Americans.

In the end, Williams’s notion of Biden being “America’s third Black President” is just another attempt to paint a rosy picture of a presidency that has its fair share of flaws. Rather than focusing on identity politics, let’s judge our leaders based on their actions and the impact those actions have on all Americans, regardless of race.

Written by Staff Reports

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Juan Williams Slammed for Absurdly Labeling Biden as ‘Third Black President’

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