
Biden and Harris Immigration Policies Deliberately Cause Border Crisis Says Expert

Mark Krikorian, head honcho at the Center for Immigration Studies, isn’t afraid to call it like it is regarding the current administration’s immigration policies. The assertion that Biden and Harris’s approach amounts to “unlimited immigration” isn’t a mistake due to incompetence, but rather a well-calculated strategy aimed at reshaping America as we know it. This revelation emerged during a recent House Oversight Committee hearing where Krikorian emphasized that the unprecedented surge in migrants hitting our borders since inauguration day isn’t an accident; it’s all by design.

Since January 20, 2021, the U.S. has seen over 10 million encounters with migrants who are either inadmissible or otherwise violating U.S. immigration laws. This surge isn’t the result of clumsy mismanagement by the Biden administration or its beleaguered Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas. Instead, Krikorian asserts that this “largest border crisis in human history” is a product of deliberate action rather than mere incompetence.

Krikorian articulated the fundamental ideological chasm between how immigration should be handled under one vision versus what the Biden-Harris administration prefers. On one side lies the traditional perspective, rooted in the Immigration and Nationality Act, asserting that no foreign individual has an inherent right to settle in the U.S. Unless we, the American populace, grant that right, immigration should be limited and strictly regulated. The other side, which unfortunately reflects the current administration’s view, suggests that anyone from anywhere has the right to come here, with only minimal restrictions tied to public safety.

This new ideology not only contradicts federal law but undermines American sovereignty itself, as the Biden administration seems to prioritize a moral duty to circumvent existing limits on immigration. Krikorian suggested that to truly capture the essence of Biden and Harris’s immigration policy, one should use the term “unlimited immigration.” This is a policy framework that deems any restrictions as “morally indefensible,” effectively giving the green light to unlimited influx regardless of the strain it puts on American communities.

As if to reinforce Krikorian’s testimony, a recent report from the House Homeland Security Committee revealed that over 85 percent of migrants arriving at the southern border are being released into U.S. communities. The implications of these decisions are profound, affecting everything from local economies to social services. It’s clear that this administration’s approach isn’t just a simple misstep; it’s a calculated move with significant consequences for the fabric of American society. While the Biden administration may be selling this agenda as compassionate, Krikorian’s insights reveal a disturbing tendency to prioritize migrants over the well-being of American citizens.

Written by Staff Reports

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