
Biden Approval Hits Rock Bottom: Dems Tremble at 2024 Odds!

In a CNN poll released on Wednesday, it was revealed that President Joe Biden’s approval rating has plummeted to its lowest level since taking office in 2021. The poll, which surveyed 1,795 respondents from November 1-30, 2023, indicated that Biden’s approval rating in November was a measly 37 percent, down two points from October and continuing a downward trend from previous months.

The President’s approval rating on the economy, a top concern among voters, also hit a low point at 33 percent, making this one of his weakest areas of support. This news has sent shockwaves through the Democratic party, with many expressing concern about Biden’s electability in the upcoming 2024 election.

As if Biden’s sinking popularity wasn’t bad enough, his confidence in winning re-election seems to be waning. In a surprising admission, Biden stated, “If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running.” This stark acknowledgment of his reliance on the absence of his opponent for a successful bid reflects the tenuous position in which he finds himself.

Adding fuel to the fire, former Senior White House Adviser David Axelrod has raised doubts about Biden’s fitness for the nomination, questioning whether it is in the best interest of the country. Notably, other polls from reputable sources such as NBC News and Quinnipiac University have also painted a grim picture of Biden’s performance and potential electability.

Furthermore, Bloomberg News/Morning Consult’s findings suggest that former President Donald Trump is currently leading Biden in six of seven crucial swing states. In another startling statistic, CNN reported that Trump has a three-point lead over Biden among “men of color” voters.

It’s becoming increasingly evident that the President is facing an uphill battle in winning over the public and his own party. With these startling numbers, Biden’s re-election campaign appears to be on shaky ground. It remains to be seen whether he can regain the trust and support that once buoyed his presidency.

Written by Staff Reports

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