
Biden Attempts Contact as Trump Blames Dems for Violence in Wake of Attack

In a perplexing twist of political correctness, President Biden recently announced that he attempted to reach out to former President Donald Trump following yet another assassination attempt on Trump’s life. Apparently, even in times of crisis, Biden can claim his phone was busy, since he described his efforts as if he were waiting for Trump to call him back—like an anxious teenager waiting for a date who clearly isn’t that into him.

Trump wasted no time in pointing fingers, placing the blame squarely on Democrats, specifically Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, for cranking the rhetoric up to eleven and fostering an atmosphere of violence. He suggested that the shooter took the words of the Democratic leaders to heart and acted accordingly. In classic Trump fashion, he made it clear that he believes he’s the hero in this scenario, laboring under the illusion that he can save the country while Democrats are supposedly busy engaging in acts of self-destruction, both at home and abroad. One can’t help but wonder if this is the role he envisioned for himself when he decided to run for president again.

Interestingly, after the first assassination attempt in July, Biden made a call to Trump and claimed their conversation was “very cordial.” One can only speculate on what “cordial” really means in a political landscape where niceties are often just thinly veiled barbs wrapped in a smile. Nevertheless, it seems Biden was willing to momentarily set aside the typical partisan sniping—perhaps even sharing a laugh about how difficult it is to get a real connection in the world of modern politics.

Biden has since punctuated his new commitment to reaching out by promising to try and call Trump again later. It seems the leader of the free world has evolved into something of a persistent suitor, hoping that his rival will finally pick up. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris chose to remain in the background, shunning any pause in her campaign activities despite the looming threats, as if the attempt on Trump’s life was merely a minor inconvenience to her agenda. Perhaps the Teamsters were a tad more pressing that day than, say, a former president’s safety.

In a statement issued following the distressing incident, Harris mentioned she was “deeply disturbed” by the latest attack. Oddly enough, it didn’t appear that this disturbance warranted any real changes to her schedule. Amid all the finger-pointing and hand-wringing, the Secret Service and law enforcement received praise for their diligence in keeping Trump safe—even as the political drama continues to unfold like one of those poorly scripted reality shows that seem to take over the airwaves.

As the country watches these tense developments, it’s clear that the plot thickens in this ongoing saga of political rivalries, made all the juicier by the high stakes involved. Who would have guessed that an attempted assassination would spark a new round of phone tag between political rivals? Stay tuned for more updates, because when it comes to this administration, the drama is never far behind.

Written by Staff Reports

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