
Biden Backs Bending Sun Rays: Absurd Plot to Cool Earth Revealed!

The insanity of climate change activists continues to astound our conservative columnist. Just when he thought they couldn’t get any more unhinged, along comes a government study that shows even more ludicrousness than smearing paint on a Monet. The Biden White House has endorsed a study that explores the possibility of blocking sunlight from hitting Earth’s surface to curb global warming. Yes, you read that right. They want to bend sun rays to control the Earth’s temperature. Our columnist can’t help but shake his head in disbelief.

Not only is this study a case study in wasteful spending, but it’s also a Rorschach test on mental health. It’s clear that the Biden administration is grasping at straws to combat climate change. They’ll entertain any idea, no matter how absurd, as long as it fits their narrative of impending doom. Who needs actual policy decisions when you can indulge in science fiction fantasies?

The White House report acknowledges the potential effectiveness of solar radiation modification but also raises concerns about the unknown side effects of tampering with the atmosphere. As our columnist rightly points out, the scientists who have been wrong about everything related to global warming are now proposing to mess with our shield against solar radiation. It’s a recipe for disaster.

But it’s not just the dangers of tinkering with the atmosphere that concern our conservative columnist. It’s the sheer audacity of the climate change community to continue pushing for drastic measures despite their track record of failed predictions. From global cooling to global warming, from melting Arctic ice to its growth, these so-called experts have been consistently wrong. And yet, they still demand that we sacrifice economic growth and trillions of dollars to appease their climate change agenda.

The punchline here, according to our columnist, is that the people who claim to want to curb rising temperatures are actually proposing a solution that could get us all killed. It’s a dangerous gamble that should not be taken lightly. The Biden administration’s endorsement of this study is just another example of their misguided priorities and lack of common sense. It’s time to stop the insanity and focus on realistic, evidence-based solutions to combat climate change.

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

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