
Biden Backtracks on Borders: Is Trump Pressure Working?

Is President Joe Biden finally waking up to the reality that his open border policies are a disaster for America? It seems like he might be, as reported by Politico. After allowing over 10 million illegal immigrants to flood in during his time in office, Biden is now considering some executive actions to address the crisis he let spiral out of control.

One idea on the table is to bar migrants from seeking asylum between U.S. ports of entry, which could potentially curb the endless flow of illegal crossings. Republicans have long criticized Biden for his lackluster approach to immigration enforcement, and even the Democrats’ trigger method in a failed Senate bill didn’t pass muster with conservatives.

Biden’s sudden interest in tightening asylum standards and speeding up deportations comes at a convenient time. Voters are fed up with the negative impact mass immigration has on job opportunities, housing costs, and overall economic stability. Not to mention the burden it places on taxpayers who foot the bill for housing and transporting these migrants.

But let’s not forget that these are just the first steps in a long overdue backtrack by the Biden administration. It’s hard to ignore the fact that he’s only considering these changes because his popularity is plummeting due to his mishandling of the border crisis. It’s about time he faces the consequences of his reckless policies.

And let’s not kid ourselves, President Biden is feeling the heat from former President Trump’s relentless criticism of his border failures. Trump has consistently called for stricter border rules and enforcement, and it’s clear Biden is finally feeling the pressure to act.

If Biden does manage to make a meaningful impact on the border crisis, Trump will undoubtedly take credit for pushing him to take action. After all, it’s in the best interest of the country to secure our borders and protect American workers. Biden might be late to the party, but at least he’s finally shown some signs of waking up to reality.

Written by Staff Reports

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