
Biden Baffles Nation with Big Pharma Blunderfest!

On Thursday, Joe Biden made a stop at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Maryland, where he babbled on about his plan to force pharmaceutical companies to cough up rebates to Medicare due to their prices skyrocketing. Biden’s speech left everyone utterly confused, once again sparking doubts about whether he’s all there as the leader of the free world. With the people struggling to afford their medication, it’s no time for Biden to be pulling the wool over their eyes with his nonsensical bluster.

During the last quarter of 2023, 48 Medicare Part B drugs saw their prices spike higher than the rate of inflation. Now, some companies had to jack up their prices because of inflation.

Biden’s hodgepodge of words only added more fuel to the fire, leaving the audience with more questions and less confidence in his leadership. Folks are losing faith when the President’s blabbering sounds like a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. 

Written by Staff Reports

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